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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by surlybirch

  1. Two days in the books up here in Wisconsin. Tomorrow the F35 shows up and also there is a night airshow so I'll get back very late to the room~!
  2. surlybirch

    OSHKOSH 2015

    I've set up camp for the week at OSH 2015. Will post pics here~!
  3. surlybirch


    From the album: OSHKOSH 2015

    This C47 took part in at least 6 major combat airdrops in WWII including D-DAY and Market Garden. After serving in combat, and through decades of civilian use, this trusty bird is in need of some TLC. A group is trying to raise funds for restoration.
  4. surlybirch


    From the album: OSHKOSH 2015

    In the category of REALLY DAMN BIG, here is the B-52 bomber. This 'new' bomber was built in 1961, but there's nothing antique about this bird. It is still a very active part of the United States Air Force. Classified equipment will keep airshow goers from viewing the inside. The plane will remain static throughout the week. Because of its size, it had to arrive first and will have to leave the show last.... meaning I will not see this amazing bird fly.

    © Jade Birch Photography

  5. Hey Dogz, Here's a video I made up some time ago soon after my Grandfather passed on. He was a flight mechanic in the USAAC in 44-45 in England. Hope you enjoy. And I hope my link works.... SURLY
  6. Hail to the the Dogz, My name is Surly (Jade) and I'm Tolwyn's long-time wing man. I wanted to stop in and say hello. I finally got my act together and got a new machine IL2-ready after my old one blew up nearly 2 years ago. Looking forward to flying with you all. Thanks~! Jade 'Surly' Birch
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