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Nice, can you explain for the rest of us what you use it for specifically?



Converting a digital signal to analog. I could use one as well. My soundcard only has digital signal outs, so I have to use a hot analog minijack output through an adapter for my analog amp.



Sorry Mayhem, didn´t see your post until today :( Like Kimo says, it´s converting digital signals, like from a computer, cd-player or any other equipment that can be connected to the dac. It has usb ports, coaxial ports rca ports and others. I´m using it together with my cd-player only. Instead of using the electronics from the cd-player directly to the amplifier, as normal, that gives a certain sound, bad or good, I have connected it to the dac with a coaxial cable. That bypasses the cd´s electronics and only use the signal directly from the laser-reader and the cd is now only a transport. If you have a decent computer and wanna play lot´s of music, like Spotify or mp3´s, you can bypass the soundcard in the puter and connect it directly to the dac via usb and your stereo. Gives a mush better sound.

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