This one needs an honourable mention in the telephone-tech-support Hall of Infamy
So I field a call today, Sunday(!), and it's a mate whose computer is playing up. Can I help him out? What can I say?
Unfortunately I'm just rubbish at snappy comebacks. That special moment; when the lizard brain is shrieking - 'get under a rock. Quick!' ; my in-grained schoolboy politeness totally prevents me from saying 'I'm so sorry, I'm just getting a taxi to the station - we're going sailing for a week in Scotland' and leaves me blurting the fatal "oh, sure, I'll help you out"
I suppose that really was the instant referred to in the title, but for an even worse example read on...
My mate is an okay guy, alright? He's forty-something, single, and quite intelligent. He read Economics at a well-known University; red-brick but with an excellent reputation; and took away an Honours degree in Economics which led eventually to a post in the flavour of the day Australian government. At some point he also sat a Master's degree in basic and bullshit and it has never gone away.
To be continued...