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Posts posted by FoolTrottel

  1. Kinda sounds like your system is checking what monitors are connected.

    When it tries a different port, your monitor gets disconnected, goes to sleep, the system switches back to it and it wakes up...


    Check whether there's a setting in BIOS that controls this, or check whether you've connected the monitor to the correct output port on the vid card.

    Hm, waitaminute, windows 7 aint it?, Hm... not sure, could be normal with that one. I can test if it does anything similar on my system... hold on... I'll be back...

    EDIT: I'm using dual boot, so that's no good, can't really compare, sorry...

  2. Owww... shouldn't have opened that beer...


    All kiddin' aside, it does work. And it works fine too!

    (Actually, this silly image shows its potential... it can go to extreme values...)

    And I like the way it works, no setup to run, no uninstall...

    But, in my opinion, the gain on my system is too little, to keep using it. (Running on a 21.6" screen, at 1680x1050)

    (I like my system as lean and mean as possible, with as little maintenance as possible... I already got so much necessary stuff runnin'!)

  3. If and when I get to get to Duxford next year (still not sure), I'll probably be traveling by car.

    Currently it's a Citroen Xantia Break, with room for five Dogs.

    Could take a ddetour on the way home, turn right at Calais instead of turning left...

    There's only one thing amiss with this plan... no way I'll be traveling back to the UK after having visited Normandy!

    I'll be racing home! (Got to be back by Thursday night you know)

  4. Brando, your post makes way too much sense... brilliant!

    These are facts:

    + DD's have chosen the AAA mod path (1.1 based on 4.08m and 4.09b1m currently)

    + DD's are inclined/want to follow Team Daedalus's' developments (Either 4.10 or 5.00 is being worked on)

    + We've got CheckMods

    Here's what I see as what we should keep our focus on:

    + Squad play and its need for compatibility, and keep it as simple as possible for squad members (lol)

    This is what it'll all boil down to:

    #1. Patience. (Like currently, we're basically waiting for AAA 1.3, as it's compatible with 4.09m.)

    #2. Once 1.3 is there, we'll create a new Mod Set1), using ChkMods, which than can be used to easily upgrade an installation from current set (AAA 1.1) (or maybe combined with a single download, should upgrading with ChkMods take too long.)

    #3. Next , in time, TD will create yet another Oleg approved patch.

    #4. We wait for AAA to come up with a new version, compatible with the new TD patch.

    #5. Tune up the modset, run ChkMods...

    #6. Repeat, start at #3

    In the end, it's rather simple, isn't it?

    We'll just have to be patient, wait for others2) to do the work, then enjoy the fruits of it.

    Hm, maybe this post shouldn't have been here, but in the mods boards? Oh well...

    1) New Mod set does not necessarily mean the entire AAA set, things can be removed, or added.

    2) FT is one of the 'others'

  5. FT, I have a full uncorrupted install (finally), I could try to upload it to the Vault later if you like for Dogz use. It seems that Filefront has "issues". I only hope that I can get the FTP to work, I've had no luck in the past.

    Thanks for the offer BA, but I don't think that it 'd be usefull for the dogz...

    Should we decide to do 1.2 (which I doubt) it'd be an adapted set, for use with Chkmods, and I'd have to upload it myself...

  6. Installed it over a clean 1.1

    They've improved changed the sounds again.

    Sigh, now the in cockipit engine sounds are way too loud (checked 109, 110, Spit XIV), they are so loud I get distortion, crackling, even when I turn the volume down.

    Except the IL2. In cockpit volume is so low you can hear a 109 closing in from miles away. Have to turn up the volumen. And next go deaf when the 109's shells hit the IL2.

    I can't believe they missed that. Once again, quantity over quality... Feckin' Mods! (Yeah, they are free, I know...)

    I've read on AAA that "1.2 was designed from the ground up to use original game sounds without breaking crt2 compatibility.", and now I'm hopin' someone shows and tells how to get the original sounds back...

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