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Posts posted by FoolTrottel

  1. If you want to try the G940, better first make sure you like it. And you can return it should you not like it.

    It's rather specific, especially regarding FFB.

    Any chance you have another game controller connected, that has maybe a rumble effect in it?

    IL2 will only support the FFB on the first gamecontroller that has FFB capabilities...

  2. Kimo, what is your opinion on the stick? It's FFB?


    I just figured why not just get used to the stick how it is right out of the box. Suits me well.

    Hm, yeah, but... then... why get a FFB stick?

    I know about the Alt-Tab-effect, but... why Alt-Tab out of the game?

    I prevent it... (using a 2nd computer for TS)

    Thanks for the info, I might try that ...

  3. In this line:

    Z=0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

    A trailing zero is missing.

    Not that it will matter for the FF. But maybe it does.

    As for the FF: I wouldn't know. Very weird.

    The only other thing I can think of is that the stick is not visible as being FF for the game, but then the game would probably switch off the FF, when you go into the 'Input' screen.

    Check the contents of the game's forcefeedback folder. Are all .ffe files present in there?

    Sidenote: as for 'Perfect Force' try a Guillemot FFB.

  4. Kimosabi wrote:

    Much better to just fly without it. Then you have perfect centering again.

    Now that's exactly what I mean by questioning the G940's FFB-capabilities...

    It does a better job without it?!? :o

    Crash wrote:

    Is there anywhere you can get your money back?

    Not me, not over there where I got it. My mistake, I knew it before hand, took the gamble.

    I was going to put the X52
  5. I'm with Brando, I got a G940 set.

    It's up for sale. (Has been for a while. Prices appear to be dropping at online shops. Not good. For me.)

    I may not (be able to) sell it at all, and may give it another go.

    But I did not like it at all. FFB did not feel good, messy and inconsequent. Too big a deadzone at center stick (FFB wise)

    Could be just me, being used to quite a different FFB stick.

    Could be due to tuning, which I did not really try.

    But, do not just get the G940 like I did!

    First, make sure you like it...

  6. You should be proud.

    Great idea!

    Tried it, and it works brilliantly, you can't even tell it's active, you don't see a thing of it doing its job!

    I'm not going to use it myself though. For that particular same reason.

    I'm too much a file/folder-browser guy, and I'd very likely make a mistake and delete a file, or folder 'shared' via Junction/Mklink.

    (And I'd get confused quickly too :-\)

    I know myself too well.... this will take me much too much time for to get used to, versus the (solely in my opinion) 'limited' gain.

    And the risks I'd be taking! Oh my! My simple mind will just go for some redundancy and extra wasted disk-space.

    That's just me, you go for it!

  7. don't know enough about anything in regards to registry keys...what would this be?

    No problem, no need to know yet, we can get into that once the need for it is there.

    The fact IL2 won't start from the external disk on other computers could very well be due to hardware differences, drivers and settings, like screen resolution.

    Or are your other computers all of equal hardware and settings?

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