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    United Kingdom

Status Replies posted by Shadrach

  1. What is with these Danish kids?! I take them to the mall and what do they do? Look at girls? No, they buy books by Nietzsche and Kant! Wow, wish my daughter were that dedicated to knowledge!

    1. Shadrach


      But for young lads knowledge of chicks eternally trumps.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Wanna say hello from the sunny and warm Island of Majorca. Cheerio!

    1. Shadrach


      Hello from my conservatory with a torrential thunderstorm and a leaking roof - you smug git.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. 5 more days till USA CloD! Should we be happy or sad?

    1. Shadrach


      Depends what makes you happy. I feel like Garfield in a lasagne shop.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. @Shadrach, Whoa, popping sound, not good. Maybe could have blown a non-critcal capacitor or the like. I would give the guts a hard looking at and do some serious stress testing for stabiltiy.

    1. Shadrach


      All seems fine so far. Had a couple of nights of coops without further mishap. I think the main problem is that due to lack of space computer lives in cubbyhole under desk so poor air flow. I now pull it out before use but will put a couple more fans in the case asap. What would I use to stress test?

  5. Got bored of explaining what B16Enk meant so changed my name ;)

    1. Shadrach


      Is that "So me body is fit" or "So me body is minging"?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  6. ..having a Jethro Tull mania. Owns 5 cd´s, soon 4 more arrives in my mail box.

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