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3. Danger Dogz
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Status Updates posted by Kimosabi

  1. Windows Update fucked up my network drivers, had me reset the router and call a bullshit ISP number which helped me NADA. Sorry for not showing up yesterday, FT. I was offline because of a fucking update.....

    1. Kimosabi


      I only wish I reset the router before I did a fresh OS install. The dork at the ISP said that it was definitely not the router...... It was. Bah!

  2. Now let's see if Geoff Wellum's First Light finds it's way under the tree this year. :)

  3. Annual whisky club's meeting this Friday. Yoohooo!

  4. Alejandrooo, alejandroo. Ale,ale,aleandro, ale,ale,alejandro!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kimosabi


      And after doing an 87 minute escort mission you tend to do weird things. Especially in a G2 with 75% fuel. lol

    3. fruitbat


      god she's an annoying attention seeker, crap music to.

    4. Kimosabi


      Somehow, the public mainstream doesn't share my tastes. I feel so alone sometimes....

  5. Swep-dude, Gøtebøøørjs Rapeeee is good snus dude. Feels like snusing a swedish forest. lol

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. rox


      Haha I was just kidding :) I can't afford duxford, and I could order the stuff online I guess. Don't remember much about the flavor of the one in the picture, only had one and wasn't really sober at the time. Most of my snussing was done with a norwegian brand, name I don't remember, it was a white can though....

    3. Kimosabi


      I don't think there is a Norwegian brand.... We get all the unhealthy stuff from the Swedes.

    4. rox


      Hmm, I thought Norway made its own too, even though I only ever hear about Swedish stuff . Regardless, good stuff, even though hookah is my preferred method of tobacco ingestion. Snus is less unhealthy though....

      Ah Sweden, they hate drugs so much yet their tobacco is the most psychoactive in the world :D

  6. My headset brokeded. lol

    1. Kimosabi


      Cable ties comes to save the day! Again! lol

    2. Snacko


      Cats been chewing on mine. I'll need a new headset soon...

    3. Kimosabi


      It was the clamp holding the right earcup. Left one's up for cable ties soon. :)

  7. No love for the ladder anymore? I'm hearing crickets.....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. T_O_A_D


      I know, what your saying Kimo, but not everybody is wired as You and I and a few others are. They want to be, that is for sure, but once they realize their skill level, they get more timid. I've heard guys say If I don't fly I still look like I can. LOL Plus its a silly pride thing too. Myself, feels its just a game, its just for fun. Were not getting paid, or dieing for real, so get over yourself and participate.

      You can always spot them the first round, do some stupid things, ...

    3. Kimosabi


      Tis ok. Tonar challenged my ass. Kimo happy. :) Where are you and Rattler this year BTW, Toad?

    4. T_O_A_D


      My machine is broken, and I've been spending time working on my MDS server, Besides we have rotted on the top before, It's your turn. ;-)

  8. Got some feckin' awesome footage last night, Jedi! No pun intended. :)

    1. Jediteo


      Always a pleasure Kimo, S!

  9. Don't have time for JO anymore. Tired of bumping into aircraft profiling almost each class I take.

    1. Kimosabi


      Homework profiling that is.

    2. T_O_A_D


      Not trying to talk you out of it, but I'm confused to what you actually mean. Profiling??? At first I thought you meant Data like stall speed and such. Now with Homework added to description, I'm completely confused

    3. Kimosabi


      It's the assigments where you have to read max IAS at different altitudes with 500m in between, clean/dirty/loaded/empty/stallspeeds and then have to compute to TAS while noting down on notepad and sending it in before thursday. It's repetitive to the point where I don't see the need in doing it much more in a virtual world. Stuff I don't see any need of doing gets the backseat. :)

  10. On the road again. Hope I find some dirrty stuff.

    1. Tonar


      Like a dirty Redhead?

    2. Kimosabi


      I've never had a redhead before. Are they nice and where is their natural habitat?

  11. Rode my bike on wet gravel/mud for 30km today. Coke and pizza comin up. :)

    1. Kimosabi


      Scratch the pizza. Burger it is.

  12. I was supposed to ride today but WoT and IL-2 has destroyed my life. Now I need to get more snus. Good day!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kimosabi


      On another note, Trib, it's not chewing tobacco. ;)

    3. Tribunus


      Correct, it’s not chewing tobacco, its dipping tobacco. Americans incorrectly call it “chew”, but that is an old colloquial expression. I’m just fascinated to learn that it is popular in Scandinavia.

      You learn something new everyday on these forums.

    4. Kimosabi


      It's kind of a dip tobacco but without the excess saliva you get from your "dip". It's also usually placed in the upper lip instead of the lower lip, like your rednecks do. Your "dip" has evolved from "snus" which came to your country with Swedish immigrants in the 19th century.

  13. Got transferred from the docks to the ethanol plant. :)

  14. Got an offer to buy a carbon bikeframe today. The sad thing is that I'm seriously considering it.... Anyway, Painless + seminar = sheeeuper!

  15. Another strole on my bike before checking in at AFS2 with Bojan later.

  16. Clint Eastwood is the ONLY man alive that can pull off saying: "Any men that don't want to get killed........better clear on out the back."

  17. 80+km done in 3hours 15. I'm shot. Where's the beer?

  18. is now an industrial worker. God help us all.....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kimosabi


      Working at a chemical plant. Kinda sorta. The old job was neat and all, good people, but evolved into a dead end from various reasons. Need to keep the momentum. Fluid flight m8. :)

    3. T_O_A_D


      How many years did you do that other job?

      Did you go to school or hard knocks?

    4. Kimosabi


      I served them 5 1/2 years. Hard knocks(mostly) up to 2004 and started studying for my engine mechanic certificate while working there and passed the exams last february. Planning to start studying for my bachelor next year, to qualify as a machine engineer. Didn't really have any ambitions before I started working as a mechanic.

  19. Fell asleep during yesterdays coop. Yes, I can sleep in a chair. No, I'm not old.

  20. What happens when you find another sweet trail and just have to try it? You get horseshit on your waterbottle.

  21. What happens when you find a sweet downhill and just have to try it? You get lost.

  22. is VERY satisfied with climbing a 2km hill with 10% raise and not even considering suicide at the top. :-)

  23. is glad he's got a camelbak. Went through 2.5l of water in 1 1/2 hour today. Damn summers.......:-)

  24. is gimpin' and pimpin' but can't find Norwegian airforce insignias anywhere.

    1. GreyKnight
    2. Kimosabi


      It is! I'll see if I can't find out how to make that work somehow. Thanks!

  25. needs to learn skinning in 4 days. To Gimp or not to Gimp, that is the question JAH!

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