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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Mayhem

  1. This looks like a great place to film a zombie apocalypse movie.
  2. Mayhem


    Purely in jest, a Dutch friend sent these to me and it made me laugh so hard.
  3. Dog gone Pappy! Its been a while man. Glad to see you're still around, hope you and the Mrs. are going well.
  4. Probably turned his tan khakis into brown khakas.
  5. I would love to get a reasonably price SKS right now. I started to go off for a minute but I erased it. I really need to vent to someone.
  6. I hate you. No, seriously so is there no way, or is it way expensive to get one of these imported to the US? Edit: Just looked and no it's pretty much a cluster F!
  7. Wow Perf, awesome gun and great price? That ammo/gun combo deal sounds great but I'd settle for just the rifle. Looking around the net it seems we are being cock blocked here in the US from getting these new and I'm sure any used ones aren't selling cheap. Anyways, I thought you all might enjoy the story of my gun adventure I posted over at thefiringline forum, so here it is. There is so much to talk about these days. I've shot a few firearms in my day and thought about owning one many, many times however it wasn't until all this insanity as of late that I finally decided, better late then never, to exercise my 2nd amendment right and purchase a couple of guns. The first purchase I made was about a month ago, a Winchester SXP pump 12 gauge. I had been wanting something for home defense/range/hunting so I stopped into my local Gander Mountain to see what they had to offer and I fell in love with this 12 gauge as soon as I put my grubby little hands on it. The weight was perfect, the balance was phenomenal, the size was spot on, the look was sleek and elegant, the fit and finish was nice and tight. Then I held in the ejection button and racked the pump. What can I say, it was like the sound of a Rolls Royce Merlin engine when a Spitfire flies overhead at the airshow. "How much?" I asked the clerk. On sale $350 he said. "I'll take it!" The words couldn't leave my mouth quick enough. As I was walking away I heard another chap ask "Hey, you have any more of those pump shotties that guy just bought?" to the clerk. Ok, shot piece, check. What next, semi-auto or bolt action? Well, bolt action don't seem to be on the endangered species list so semi-auto it is. Now, where to get one? Quick internet search. Gunsamerica.com, eh, looks kinda sketchy, FFL transfer, ah hassle, Gunbroker.com, eh, not as sketchy but still a hassle. Ok, Armslist, ah, not so bad, kinda like Craiglist for guns. Prices kind of high but what did I expect. Now, what can I get at a reasonable price? Used AK 47 of questionable quality, perhaps. 800 BUCKS? Ouch! Here's one for a grand, ugh. Ok, ok, SKS yeah, usually kind of old and well used but I remember they used to be like $250. $600 DOLLARS? OMG. Online, Bass Pro Shops, Dick's Sporting goods, Gander Mountain. Hey Gander mountain has DPMS AR 15 MOE for $1100 bucks, not too sure about the brand, I'll wait a couple of hours to ask that gunsmith guy at work. "Yeah, DPMS is ok." He says. Ok, back online, GanderMountain.com. SOLD OUT? Shucks. Right, ok, we'll figure this out. Local gun shop, SKS $475, looks worn as heck and he's not budging on the price. AR-15 hanging up there, used, $1200 bucks, eh, think I'll pass. Hey, nice Sig 9mm in the case. How much? $500 bucks? "I'll take it." "OK" says the shop keep "I just need to see your CCL or pistol purchase permit first." WTF I think to myself, then scoff "Don't you guys do the NICS thing and a 3 day waiting period?" "Not here in North Carolina, you have to go register with the police department then come back with a purchase permit." Arcane racial discrimination law still on the books me thinks. Back to Armslist. Searching, searching, ah Zastava AK 47 pap. Good condition, cool paratrooper style stock, 400 rds of Bear 7.62 ammo, $800 bucks. Only takes single stack 10 round mags though. Email: "Dear Sir, will you take $650?" Reply: "No but I'll take $675." Well, the ammo alone is worth a few bucks. Now, where was this, Ashville? Damn, that's like 2 1/2 hours away. Oh well, "yeah I'll come get it tomorrow." Next day after work.....Driving, driving, driving. Look around, beautiful country out here, nice day too. Ok, I'm an hour out, 1 1/2 hours to go. Thinking to self, this is nuts, maybe I should just check out the Walmart out here. Punched into GPS, 5.41 miles, alright, no wait, on second though Gander Mountain. GPS, 6.75 miles, ok. Text message from AK guy "Are you still coming?" me "On second thought, no." AK guy "OK, well screw you then. " Anyways, focus, Gander Mountain. Driving, Driving... GPS "Arriving at destination, Gander Mountain, Mooresville." Where, Mooresville? Oh yeah, this is where all the Nascar teams are. So anyways, never been to Mooresville but the shopping plaza out here is pretty nice, movie theater and everything. Hey, there's a Walmart right there! Ah, don't let yourself get distracted, we're here for Gander Mountain. Go in, look around and....HOLY SH*T they have a lot of guns here, the clerk says "Yea, we're like a GM Gunworld." Gunworld? You've got to be kidding me. Oh well, "What do you have in a 223?" "Not much." he says. Ok, well lets see what else they have, Remington 700 adl, no scope, $500 bucks, I though these came with a scope? Used Remington 7400, semi-auto 5 rd mag, $325. Looks ok but kinda well broken in. What else, new M14, WOW, nice. How much, $1800 to $2000? My wife would kill me. "I'll be back!" On to Walmart. Remington 700 adl this time with cheapo scope. $425 in black synth stock, $525 in camo synth stock. Very, very temping, won't break the bank either, but I could probably get one of those any time and I really wanted a semi-auto before Barack C-blocks me. "I'll be back, Imma get some launch." Applebee's. Chicken wrap, couple of Bud Fights, do some research on my phone, still undecided and hate to waste a whole day. Back to GM. Walking up to counter a bit disheartened. Talking with the clerk, I notice another clerk walk behind him and set 2 rifles down on the back wall stand. "Hey, what are those?" Mini 14 Tactical with ATI stock chambered in 223/5.56. "How much?" $800 bucks. "Sold! I'll take both!" "Sorry" he says "I can only sell you 1 semi-auto per day." Oh well. And thus, I became the proud owner of a new and improved Mini 14 Tactical with ATI stock, later to find out of course that this is the only version of the Mini 14 on the proposed ban list. Lovely. Great gun actually, been reading good things about the accuracy with the new barrel design and the reliability seem on par with a good AK. Have not shot it yet as ammo is a bit pricey and hard to come by. Driving home from work early morning (3rd shift sucks) stop by Dick's Sporting goods for the heck of it so see if they have anything in stock and of course they don't. I'm 1 of the 3 customers in the store so I'm walking out the door and this guy is walking out beside me. He asks, "What kind of ammo you looking for?" "223" I say. "You know where I can get some 9mm?" He asks. "No sorry." I reply. "Oh, well he says, I know where you can get some 5.56 though, drive down the street 3 blocks, take a left on Edwardia, drive to the end and you'll see Southern Firearms. They have like 5 cases." "Thanks, man!" I drive over there ask about the 5.56. "Winchester white box 5.56 FMJ 55 grain $9.65 per box of 20. I can sell you 10 boxes." "I'll take 200 rounds please." Next day, 200 more.
  8. Mayhem


  9. Mayhem

    Gen 5

    Yes Sir. Wasn't able to successfully post any vids yesterday. It seems some videos from other users are not working as well, for instance the video BA posted in the "My Latest Acquisition" thread appears to be borked.
  10. Mayhem

    Gen 5

  11. A little bit of shameless self promotion here. Arma 3 alpha has finally been released and it is GOOOOOOOOD!!!!
  12. Well, maybe I can find someone to trade me my tactical stock for a, well, stock stock, he he. Ideally, the Mini 30 would have been my first preference. The 7.62 would have basically made it an AK. Those rounds are a bit easier to come by too. Has anyone seen these new M14 being produced? A bit expensive, but totally awesome.
  13. As much as he busts my balls? Please. Uh, almost forgot the smilely
  14. Well, given an extremely basic AR would cost you about $1100 right now if you can even find one the mini was a steel at $799 especially for the Tactical version which is normally around $1k. I was really looking for the more 'ranch' style version but a brand new mini of any flavor is kind of hard to come by these days. The ranch version would be more ideal for the hunting I'll be doing but the Tactical will look pretty kool at the range. When I first picked up the tactical version at the store I just fell in love with it though. The pistol grip and adjustable folding stock were fantastic. This one also came with a flash suppressor which I've seen missing on some tactical. The other thing was I'd never seen the rear sight on this on any tactical before. Usually they have the M1 Garand style circle with the peep hole. If I remember correctly, this one had more of a post style rear site. The other nice thing is with the tactical rails, I can easily add a red dot or holo sight, tactical flashlight attachment or forward folding grip which I will probably be doing in the near future. Going to have about 5 x 20rd and 3 x 30rd mags I've found around for a decent price given the market today. Might look into getting a couple more before they are banned. Here are the various models though I'm sure you've seen these BA.
  15. I would have found it even more amazing if you could have used the word "stuff" a few more times in the same sentence. Like, "Amazing stuff, watched loads of stuff on it yesterday, and stuff!"
  16. I'm not a gun nut or anything, but I couldn't resist when I found one of these at Gander Mountain for $799. http://ruger.com/pro...heets/5846.html That will be it for me for a long time. I'm good now.
  17. We do have rights, but only the ones you're willing to stand up for, or possibly die for. It might come down to dying a free man or living a slave. As far as gun laws I think it should be left up to individual states to decide, leave the fed out of it. What's good for people in NY isn't the same as what's good for people in Texas, Nevada or North Carolina for that matter. Colorado passed a 15 round magazine limit. It's not like it would make any difference in a mass shooting, but if enough of these small victories are had by people who insist on enslaving themselves and everyone around them, then in time they will have accomplished their goal and we'll be no different then China. This way, when China comes to repossess our country for all the unpaid loans, the Government can just hand over the keys with no resistance from the populous whatsoever. I'm sorry but I don't want to live in that kind of society and if hanging on to our guns in the only thing that will keep that from happening, and it is, at the expense of the occasional nut bag freaking out, then so be it. The fact of the matter is I think you'd have a lot less people going postal if the Government, and a lot of other people in the US, started treating people like human being a bit more. The world is a cut throat place, and unless you keep your guard up, you'll soon find yourself hornswoggled, however you must not forget who your REAL enemies are. A house divided cannot stand. Rome was around a hell of a lot longer then the US and it fell apart from within. While we're all over here bickering and fighting with one another, our enemies are plotting our demise. I'm sure some people will scoff at that, but just remember that when the bloodshed starts, you've got it on your hands too. You know the China IS a Utopian society, and any Chinese citizen that says it isn't, might find them selves quickly escorted off to a prison. I'll say this, my wife feels a bit better having a pump shotgun around in case of a break in. Hopefully if someone hears that pump sound, they'll turn tail and run without the need to shoot them.
  18. Well, I can only hope that when this all dies down, and it will, there will be lots of people trying to get rid of all these guns and drive the prices way down. Kind of like the housing bubble we had here in the states. Once demand dies down, cause it surely can't stay at this pace, and the manufacturing catches, up you might be able to pick up a sweet deal or two. From what I've seen, the manufacturers aren't jacking their prices up as much as the people trying to flip and make a profit off what they just paid retail for. Here in NC, I went to the gun shop and they had and AR, AK and SKS in stock. The prices weren't outrageous, not much different then manufacturer suggested prices. Once thing I have noticed is people trying to sell used guns for new retail price. Other people just listing there AR rifles for ridiculous markups thinking that people are actually that desperate, only to find out a million other people are doing the same thing. I've found some very reasonable prices in the given climate and I love it cause all these jack holes that think they are going to cash is are having to drop their prices to get there guns sold. Just keep flooding the market while I sit back and wait for the bottom to drop out. I could be wrong but that is what I predict will happen. They just passed a 15 round mag cap and universal background checks in Colorado so hopefully that will quite them down a bit and we won't get the same BS on the federal level. They will probably squash most of the regulations this go around to get some stronger border regulation past. Hey did any see Biden saying all anyone needs is a double barrel shotgun, and how he told his wife just stepping out onto the porch and firing 2 shots in the air would chase off any threat? I have to laugh cause the guy has a contingent of heavily armed body guards around himself and his family at all times. The other thing is how come no one ever get to ask any of these guys about the ability to fight tyranny and an oppressive government? They must be screening everyone that gets close enough to interview or ask them anything. They probably threaten to lock them up where no one will ever find them if they don't stick to the script. I'm not trying to get political here, but its a little hard to understand why a class of weapon (rifles), that is responsible for less then a faction of 1 percent of deaths per year, is so villainized by the acts of 1 or 2 nuts every so often, it's worth screwing 315 million citizens out of their constitutional rights, whether they chose to exercise them or not. Oh and there is no such thing as a gun show loophole. Last time I went to a gun show all dealers requires a background check. Not to mention guns purchase a gun shows are responsible for about the least amount of deaths statistically. People seem to think all these criminals are getting guns from gun shows, well it just isn't true. Check this out. https://www.youtube....p?v=fGaDAThOHhA Dropping the mic and walking away......
  19. I totally messed up. I was on the Gander Mountain website the other day and they had DMPS MOE AR15s for $1200 bucks. I hesitated to buy one, and a couple hours later completely sold out. Went to the store to buy my shotty and asked about the ARs, they said they had hear of 8 mounth waiting lists at the gun shops. I felt so shitty I didn't get one when I had the chance. I could have turned around and sold it, probably getting my shotty for free. http://www.dpmsinc.c...OR_ep_91-1.html Though given a choice, I'd rather have the Sig Sauer. http://www.sigsauer....hanced-fde.aspx
  20. I herd mention that the 1300 barrels are compatible with the sxp. I'd know if that is true or not but if your looking for a short one, the sxp barrel might work for you. Winchester is claiming this sxp is the world's fastest pump. It has a rotating bolt, chrome lined barrel and chamber. The shotgun basically half cocks its self after firing, you can see this in the vid. The pump feels way more solid then a Mossberg or Remington. If you get a chance to get your mits on one at the gun store, check it out, it feels so good.
  21. http://www.winchesterguns.com/products/catalog/detail.asp?family=021c&mid=512252 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZ-UD9NlhXQ
  22. Hey Brando, thanks for the link. I'm going to see if I can get the taxpayers, whoops I mean government to buy me some of these. EDIT: I did think the one where Obama is shooting himself is actually kind of funny though I suppose the author of that jewel might be getting a visit from some G-men.
  23. It's just, so bizarre. I mean the things people come up with.
  24. Look at what some guy sent me. LOL!!! http://imgur.com/a/lK7qH
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