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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Mayhem

  1. Oh no, I couldn't "Afford" an upgrade, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I just called Best Buy and told them my computer was hosed. When they sent over "The Geek Squad" I took them hostage and started knocking them off, one at a time, until the store finally gave into my demands. Thinking back now, I should have asked for an i-pad too.
  2. MY VOICE CONTROLLER TUTORIAL Download here: http://dangerdogz.com/forums/files/file/501-dd-mayhem/ Tried to use Shoot before but I couldn't get it to work at the time so this is a great alternative. I'd actually say MVC is better but I can't compare the two because I never actually used Shoot . Shoot may have just needed AutoIt installed or something similar but I just found this instead and used it successfully for quite some time. Tired using shoot again today just to check it out but you have to install a dotnet fix for with Win 7 and Windows reported an incompatibility issue with the fix so I'm not messing with it any more. My Voice Controller works and doesn't require any dotnet fixes for Win7 though it does for XP but that fix actually works. I'll make up a new IL-2 profile for it and post it in the next day or so if anyone is interested. There is a basic one I have included named Default.mvc. Making your own profiles is easy too. Supports macros and all that jazz so its great for things like commanding your wingmen to assist you, break off, return to base or whatever. I highly recommend checking it out. The performance really good. Blah blah, blah blah blah... READ ME!!!!! Created by Mayhem 4/26/2011 The main download for My Voice Controller is broken but I just happened to have a copy of the latest version. You can also go to the MVC forums for more information http://5hyphen.com/phpBB2/ STEP:1 If you're still on Windows XP you may need to install the dotNetFx35setup.exe as well as the SpeechSDK51.exe but fear not homies I dun hooked you up, it's all in the zip. Then set up your voice recognition by clicking on the Voice Recognition icon in your control panel. You do remember how to get to your control panel don't you? If you've previously set up voice recognition in Windows XP you should be fine already. If your using Windows 7 you don't have to bother with any of this. STEP:2 Now install AutoIt-v3-setup.exe (Pretty sure there is a newer version of AutoIt but I know this one works) so if you install the latest version let me know if it works cause I don't feel like doing it right now and this is the version I have installed and it works fine. The reason for installing this is that some programs, mostly games like Half-life 2, have built in macro and script protection to prevent player from exploiting the game or pressing key combos faster then humanly possible. They often will not except simulated key strokes from external programs but AutoIt can circumvent much of this. You may or may not need this for IL-2 but if you want to use My Voice Controller with other games you should have it. STEP:3 2nd Copy the My_Voice_Controller_Self_Install_v1_8_11_20 folder to your C:/program files(x86)/ directory if your in Windows 7 or just your C:/program files/ if you're in XP. Then RIGHT click on the My Voice Controller.exe and click send to desktop to create a desktop shortcut which you can then put in your start/programs/whatever folder or just leave it on the desktop I really don't care where you put it.|=^)} STEP 4: Anyways, when you Win 7 users start up the program it is going to start you voice recognition setup for windows, at least it will if you haven't set it up already as I hadn't. If you've already set up your voice recognition in 7 I don't know if it will bring up the setup wizard or not. Once your voice recognition is set up start My Voice Controller and this will open the main MVC windows. ATTENTION: FOR WINDOWS 7 USERS, READ THIS. FOR XP USERS SKIP TO THE NEXT PARAGRAPH Your Windows 7 Voice control window with the mic on it should also open at the top of your screen and say "sleeping" in the status window. Say "Start Listening" if you have voice activation set up, or if you have it disabled hit the hot key combo to start listening (I think its Cntl + Windows key. The status of the Windows Voice Control window should change to say "listening". STEP:6 Ok Now that MY Voice Controller is open and running focus on the main window and on the upper left click on file/load profile. Click on Default.mvc to load that profile. Then look in the main status box under then information tab of the My Voice Controller program. The first line should read "Last Speech Recog:" with some blue text next to it. Say aloud either "show map" or "external". Look to see if it recognizes the command. Then next line will say "Last Command:" with blue text next to it saying "sendkeyaim". If you want to add voice commands go to file/edit profile then to add new line one like this: toggle gear|(sendkeyai:PGUP) The "toggle gear" will be what you say to trigger the keystroke(s) and the sendkeyai: (the "ai" pipes it through AutoIt)is the key to be pressed to make your gear toggle, in this case PGUP. As long as PGUP is assigned to your toggle gear in the game controls when you say "toggle gear" the program will simulate the PGUP key stroke through AutoIt and to IL-2 which will then perform the assigned function. Here is the default profile sample profile Olddefault.mvc, I created a new default for IL-2 which is the default.mvc you loaded in step 6 but this original one has all the comments to help explain what does what. Hope you like it, works best with a headset. If anyone needs help customizing there profiles let me know. Other profile examples can be found here http://5hyphen.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=19&sid=7dcaf4507eda67dbb763230f3246d131 EXAMPLE: !FORMAT=|( # this file contains a test example of all the features # comments start with# # the format of commands and macros is: # COMMAND|FUNCTION ACTION FUNCTION ACTION # NOTE: the first part is the voice command # separated by | # next comes the function and action which are separated by TAB # multiple functions and actions can be placed on the same command line #macro example {heal}|(sendkey:4) heal|(MACRO:heal) #sendkey example sendkey test one|(sendkey:a) sendkey test two|(sendkey:F1) sendkey test three|(sendkey:left) #sendtext example #special commands % = ALT, ^ = CTRL, + = shift sendtext test one|(sendtext:a) sendtext test two|(sendtext:F1) sendtext test three|(sendtext:left) sendtext test four|(sendtext:^+s)(sendtext:LEFT) #keydown / keyup example keydown test one|(keydown:a)(keyup:a) keydown test two|(keydown:left)(keyup:left) #mousedown / mouseup example mouseupdown test left|(mousedown:left)(mouseup:left) mouseupdown test right|(mousedown:right)(mouseup:right) mouseupdown test middle|(mousedown:middle)(mouseup:middle) #mouseclick example mouseclick test left|(mouseclick:left) mouseclick test right|(mouseclick:right) mouseclick test middle|(mouseclick:middle) #mousemove example mouse click here|(mousemove:100,200) #mousesave / mouseload example save mouse|(mouse:save) load mouse|(mouse:load) save mouse two|(mousesave:2) load mouse two|(mouseload:2) save mouse twenty|(mousesave:20) load mouse twenty|(mouseload:20) #mouseadd example click mouse here|(mouseadd:200,0) #mousewheel example mouse wheel up ten|(MOUSEWHEELUP:10) mouse wheel down five|(MOUSEWHEELDOWN:5) #delay example wait a bit|(delay:1000) #EXTERNAL FILE example Display Priest File|(RUNEXTERNAL:priest.txt) Run Notepad|(RUNEXTERNAL:\windows\notepad.exe "\tmp\dxdiag.txt") #SPEAK example - TEXT TO SPEECH say hello|(SPEAK:hello my voice commander) say clipboard contents|(SPEAK:clipboard) # IMPORTED FILES # uncomment the below line for 10 man healing with the healbot mod #[iMPORT]|priest - healbot.mvc #WEBBROWSER example open google|(webbrowser:www.google.com) #MULTIPLE COMMANDS ON THE SAME LINE Delay,Wait|(delay:100) #LOADPROFILE switch to browser commands|(LOADPROFILE:Maxthon Browser.mvc) #FOCUS guardian|(FOCUSWINDOW:Guardian) guardian handle|(FOCUSWINDOWNUM: guardian name|(FOCUSWINDOWNAME: focus two|(FOCUSWINDOWNUM:2) focus three|(FOCUSWINDOWNUM:3) focus word|(FOCUSWINDOWNAMEMATCH:word) #more to come. view the file other .MVC files for more examples EXAMPLE 2: Here's my profile for the Insurgency Mod for Half-Life 2. Pistol, Rifle, Grenade, Flashlight, Choose Guns (!Guns), choose 1, choose 2, etc..... You'll have to bind the !guns command to the c key to get the !guns mod menus to work properly though. You will also have to have AutoIt installed. Using voice commands really gives you an nice advantage too. Hope you enjoy, see you online. !FORMAT=|( #Insurgency voice commands by MajorMayhem reload|(sendkeyai:r) cycle mode|(sendkeyai:i) use|(sendkeyai:x) accept promo|(sendkeyai:PGUP) reject promo|(sendkeyai:PGDN) flashlight|(sendkeyai:j) spray logo|(sendkeyai:t) screenshot|(sendkeyai:f9) show map|(sendkeyai:m) choose guns|(sendkeyai:c) choose one|(sendkeyai:1) choose two|(sendkeyai:2) choose three|(sendkeyai:3) choose four|(sendkeyai:4) choose five|(sendkeyai:5) Choose six|(sendkeyai:6) pistol|(sendkeyai:2) rifle|(sendkeyai:1) grenade|(sendkeyai:4) alt fire|(mouseclickai:middle)
  3. +1 Newegg is the cat's meow! Seriously, it is awesome, I can't tell you how much money I have spent there in the last 6 years, bought my Laptop through Newegg as well. Some people rave on about Tiger Direct but I have practically bought every piece of hardware I own from Newegg. I just recently picked up an awesome 26" LCD monitor for 170 USD on a super steal. I check Newegg almost every day.
  4. Agreed about the safe mode. This is why I have a Smoothwall I made out of an older computer http://www.smoothwall.org/. I also use it as a proxy/webfilter. Its Linux based so it practically impervious to viruses, especially those that are Windows based and stripped down to the bone for added security. It has a antivirus built in and the firewall has pretty nice logging you can check for all internal and external activities. You'd be surprised at the number of time your network will get hit up by probes and potential attacks. There are mods available for it so you can tailor it to your person needs. It handles all my routing and connects directly to my ISP so no need for a cable modem anymore. I can honestly say I love it. After that I use either Zonealarm or Comodo software firewall, Avast free edition and Spybot. I can honestly say I have not had a virus in a very very long time and running scheduled scans never comes up with anything anymore. My systems stay pretty fast and clean with minimal maintenance. Setting up the Smoothwall was a great project and I learned a lot about networking and security. I'd be happy to help anyone get started. All you need is an old PC and two NICs. It is an excellent addition to any home network.
  5. Mayhem

    I Wish!

  6. +1 to Jedi's statement. DirectX 10 and 11 are where its at now.
  7. OMG these people are not only in my state, they are outside my door right now.......Now where the heck did I leave that shotgun???
  8. Mayhem

    Could Be

    Could this guy be Jedi's long lost twin brother?
  9. I can fly till around 6 pm EST, are we starting at 2:30 3ish EST as usual?
  10. Broken up into parts but still a good movie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xflXMZL2stU
  11. Glad to have you with us Beta.
  12. No no no, thank YOU Fruity! You da man as it were. Not trying to step on any toes here just trying to contribute what little I can bring to the table. You might want to edit the first part of your tute though and include the new zip download. I tested it on my own install so it should work 100% as long as its unzipped to the install directory correctorly. Glad you got it sorted Roger.
  13. Kool, thanks Rog, you do a great job keeping up with all our issues. Uploading to the vault was of course my first choice but it was something like 2 am EST when I uploaded that. Just wanted to get it posted and hit the hay. Not a huge accomplishment by any means but figured it would simplify the process further. By the way thanks to Kev for the legwork and tutorial. Installing the mods seemed to improve my game a bit however that last update for COD gave me that dreaded micro stutter everyone was talking about and seems like it's still with me even after these fixes. If they could get that ironed out I think we'd be in good shape. Well, at least for me and the others who the patch didn't help. Funny thing is I didn't seem to be getting the stutter before the patch but maybe just didn't notice as much with the framerates jumping all over the place like they had been. FPS is much stabler now.
  14. Even easier if someone were to upload that to our own vault so we don't have to use megaupload. Seems daft paying for web space and bandwidth only to use some add ridden site When I get home I'll pull it down and upload, my work proxy deems that site dodgy Tried that, wouldn't let me for some reason. Told me there was an error. Possibly permission issue maybe? I tried upload something else earlier and wouldn't let me. Pictures seem to upload fine though. I figured you'd move it to the vault anyway.
  15. Or we could do it even easier and combine 5 downloads into one easy to install zip file. Just download this CODmods.zip Go into your Cliffs of Dover install directory (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover) rename your Launcher.exe.conf to something like xLauncher.exe.conf extract the CODmods.zip file you just downloaded into the same COD install directory when prompted select yes to overwrite Then change your Steam settings as Fruitbat posted starting in step 4. See easy.
  16. Mayhem


    Well, it goes without saying that recording on another drive besides or your install or gaming drive will probably show some performance increase as you would be doing it all on one hard drive controller. And by the way, I loved my ATI. Had some driver issues with IL-2 there for a second but int the end stuck with the 10.9 drivers and my 4830 held in there like a trooper. Only time I went Nvidia this time was everyone telling me how great the drivers were but to tell you the truth, I kinda liked my ATI running ATI tray tools better as far as the UI is concerned. Still, Nvidia makes a fine GPU for sure. Either way, it's performance that matters most.
  17. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110408/lf_nm_life/us_britain_warplane
  18. I concur with Fruitbat, for me at least Nvidia driver level AA had no effect at all on the game.
  19. Mayhem

    Clod Buster

    Now if only we can get CLoD to look and run this well, then we'll be in business. Little Just Cause 2 demo all settings maxed, AMD 3.2Ghz Quad with a GTX 560ti. Get a constant 60 fps with Vsync on.
  20. That's just hilarious! Whoever said that really needs to switch careers to Game Reviewer. I've been looking for words to describe the maps and you have captured their essence most eloquently. Agree wholeheartedly, the problem is by then my currently very capable machine will be considered yesteryears shite. Thank goodness for good ol' IL-2 P.S. don't let FT see that last comment.
  21. Well, to be honest with you, if it was from any other company, strictly base on the current state of it, I don't think many people would be paying attention to it at all. Let's just say that if the Apollo 11 mission had gone like this, Neil Armstrong's corpse would still be baking to a crisp on the moons surface by day and freezing solid at night in a viscous repeating cycle. Sort of like when you over thaw meat in the microwave and then throw the extra back in the freezer for later.
  22. Mayhem


    At 600 clams you might be better off selling your card and getting 2 GTX 570s or 560s. The newer cards appear to have improved scaling performance, lower power consumption and temps. I believe the same is true for 6900 series.
  23. I tell you what. After she lands I'll give her the privilege of washing me R-plane before cookin'z me dinner.
  24. They must have just returned from a trip to Amsterdam, I hear they have some REALLY good weed there..................
  25. The BU0836 and the BU0836X are excellent. Use one for my avionics and trim box and it was super easy to set up. Nice setup you have now. Having a desktop/simpit hybrid is a great way to go but I'm still toying with the idea of a full fledged pit.
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