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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Mayhem

  1. Not to be a smart guy, but the toggles I linked you to ARE SPDT, there are just 2 per switch (basically a 2 in 1), though I know what you are talking about. Technically if you were making a sim pit or a modern fighter you would need both standard and momentary toggles. Ok enough of me being a smart ass... It may be better to have DPDT toggles in this situation as they allow for more options regarding your cap discharge circuit. The cap and resistor values would help too. Do you want the switches to do one function in one position and another in the other position. Or one function in one position and in the other off. It would help if you could elaborate a little on what you are making. Is it just a box all On/Off functions or are some of them On/Off while others are On/On? The circuit will change depending on which mode you want. I'll assume for now you are just going for standard On/Off operation. I have a circuit I just came up with, all I need to do is the calculations for the charge/discharge rates and test it. I'm thinking a 100ms charge and as quick a discharge as possible.
  2. Well, I been round the mill with this same thing. The straight answer is its a bit more complicated then it first looks as you've eluded to. The problem with standard toggles is once they are on they will keep sending ascii signals to the computer until you turn them switch off, which you don't want. Therefore you need a pulse generator circuit of some sort to act as a middleman so to speak between the two. If you can stand to compromise, if its even really a compromise (which I don't feel it is personally) you can just get some mom-off-mom toggles. They look just like regular toggles however their normal state is centered and off. Flick them up they do one thing, flick them down they do another. You can even use lights to indicate the states. Either way it is a much less complicated (with means less potential issues too) way of doing it and the can then be wired straight up to a keyboard controller board, BU0836, Arduino or whatever. Don't know if you've seen my switchbox but you keep the same general look, save money and compact your controls. This way I have 10 switches that perform 20 functions. Let me know if you're still hell bent on standard on-off toggles and we'll work something out. I'm using mini toggles hear but you can get them in standard size as well. Check out Jamco they have everything you need regardless of the road you want to go down. If I remember correctly these are what I used. I have a place were you can get free sample project cases as well like the one I have pictured or larger. Otherwise, the next best thing to do is use capacitors and a power source (typically the +5v from your USB). The BU0836 has a +5v out so that's convenient. It what I used to illuminate my EJECT button. You can have one cap for each switch position. When you flick the switch to either state you can have the cap momentarily discharge, sending a pulse until it charges again. at which point the pulse stops. Remember though that some control have a toggle function in the games and some don't so you need to either think if its going to be gear up/gear down or toggle gear if its available. This goes for everything. Pardon the poor overlay card, I am making new ones. With them I can just switch out the card for IL-2, FS9, FSX, Race 07 or whatever other application I want to use the box for.
  3. Hey all, found this trick that allows you to add effects to DX9 games. This may or may not be new to some of you but I felt it was definitely worth posting. From what I have seen on another forum this should work with ANY directx 9 games. I have only tested this one with Battlefield 2 but it works like a charm even though the mod is for GTA San Andreas. If you go to the Download section and grab the San Andreas .074f files http://enbdev.com/enbseries_gtavc_v0074f.zip you can put them in any DX9 games main directory. When the game starts hit shift+F12 and it will add bloom, correction and I believe ambient occlusion. I think there is also a way to get motion blur working. I realize some folks don't like bloom but you can edit the config file and change the level if I am not mistaken. I don't like bloom and motion blur for some games, but for other older games I often find that running with standard DX9 at 1920x1200 on my new Nvidia card makes them look a little to clean and a bit cheesy. This mod actually makes them look a bit better in my opinion as it softens up things a bit and adds a little more shadowing. Your mileage may very but check it out and experiment. The mods are fully customizable through the .ini file. There are several other versions on the download page that add things like per pixel shading, SSAO and motion blur just to name a few and I haven't tried them but I will post results back here if anyone is interested. Might be worth trying to get working in IL-2 but that may be DX8 only and no OpenGL means no perfect mode. Either way doesn't seem to effect FPS much if at all. Somebody said they use this as an alternative to in game effects that eat up their machine. There's also some mods for Skyrim. Here is the link to the main download section. There are a lot of files in here to check out. I'm going to test some of them to see if I can get them working with other games. http://enbdev.com/download_en.htm Here is another useful link. http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1405180 And here's a video. Looks a bit dark but that's more Frap's fault I think. You can also customize the levels to your liking.
  4. Well, I do have a degree in Electronics so I guess I'm supposed to be an "expert". I've built my own switchbox like several others so give me a rundown of the problem and maybe we can get together over a cup of joe.
  5. I'll make up for the last one, with this one.... http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824254058&cm_sp=DailyDeal-_-24-254-058-_-Homepage2011
  6. I dunno m8, you've got a line the width of the radius of the wheel between success and failure. That's not all that wide. Jabo Yes, but as stated up to the point of crossing the limit, it would get harder to dip the wheel into the water the further is goes. The wheels are going to skip on the water, and you can't underestimate the density of water at say 150mph. Its a bit like concrete if not harder at even lower speeds then that. Not saying its for the faith of heart, but I'm sure the nature of the water helps. Water is a very unique and dynamic thing. To the pilot, it probably a lot like touching down on a concrete strip. You just can't make contact too hard initially as you don't want to dig in so to speak or you in the drink, but once your skimming on the water its like being on terra firma and you would be surprised how hard you would have to push to overcome the water density. I'm not saying its not kool, but I doubt its as hard as some of those aerial tricks stunt pilots perform.
  7. This is really no different then landing on the water with skies. Just have to make sure you don't dip too much wheel in the water but with the shape of the tire it probably has a tendency to try and force it back out of the water again anyways, until you go too far and then the water will want to force it down in more. Its looks kool, but its probably not as hard as it looks.
  8. It's alright, I'd just get sick all over myself anyways.
  9. Man, where do I get one of these??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=sFCRh-anfRg
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdfeRjRIQPk?version=3&feature=player_detailpage
  11. HAHAHA, no I wasn't even thinking that. Juat thought it was a good deal. No DVI but still I don't think I've seen one cheaper new. Edit: ah just looked. Looks like the price changed. It said it was on sale till tomorrow but I don't know. No it was $69 bucks with free shipping, so I was like WOW! Oh, I know, it must be GMT. Its gone back up to 130 now. Never mind.
  12. Mayhem

    Speed Demon

    I love how at 330Mph he takes one hand off the wheel and closes his visor. Bye the way that a pretty awesome little camera.
  13. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824009262&cm_sp=DailyDeal-_-24-009-262-_-Product Edit: never mind, the price shot back up to 130. It was 69 bucks with free shipping which was an outstanding deal.
  14. Well, you could always not patch it and let the air continue to slowly leak out.
  15. Had a chance to go to the Gator Nationals in Florida some years back. The top fuel and funnies are amazing in person. Video really doesn't do them justice. The sound hits you right in the chest and you can practically feel your organs being rearranged. These cars have no cooling systems as they are designed for only on purpose and ever run longer then a few minutes. I believe each cylinder had 2 spark plugs and 2 coils per plug. They fire slightly out of sync to get the maximum burn. The pistons are actually loose inside the cylinder as there is so much power created and hit such high RPM you have to have enough blow-by or the engine will explode.The nitro-methane has a sweet smell but it will burn your eyes. I don't know how the guys standing out in the middle of the track stand it. They have a new facility in Concord North Carolina not too far away from me. 4 lanes of Drag racing insanity. The sound must be deafening. Just to give you a sense of what its like, watch to see how the camera shakes when the cars let loose. This dragway kinda sucks though as you can't get right up next to the wall. At Rockingham you can practically get right up next to them.
  16. I wonder what it cost to fix the damage? That has to wreck the bottom of the plane.
  17. Mayhem

    Bf3 Vs Mw3

    Was poking around you tube and found this. It made me laugh.
  18. Linux, or more specifically Ubuntu as FT mentioned is great for certain applications. I use Linux on several of my machines but there can be a fairly step learning curve and others may find Linux impractical. TechNet is great. While I haven't subscribed yet, I have known a few people including colleagues that have been using it for years. Apparently upon subscription you are entitled to 10 licenses for every MS product. That means 10 for Windows home premium 64, 10 for home premium x86, 10 for Ultimate and so on. From what everyone who uses it says, and some have been using it for about 10 years, the licenses never expire, meaning that even after your year long subscription (or whatever it is) runs out you still have access to everything you originally did. You will not however get new MS product licenses for say Win 8 when it comes out if you don't have an active subscription. They are very strict about giving out licenses however as a buddy of mine had installed a version of Windows on his wife's laptop and when she was overseas on business he received a call that a machine with one of his licenses was being used in another country. He informed them of the situation and claimed ownership of the laptop which pacified them. For around 300 USD its a great solution for individuals that have several machines and don't want to break the bank buying copies of MS products. If I remember correctly you are not officially allowed to use the licenses for business machines but I'm fairly sure for personal business or a small home business you would be well enough below the radar that you wouldn't have issue. I would still keep a regularly licensed MS OS on my main office personal computer however.
  19. Also AA kinda sux right now but there is a workaround for it http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=123121 the thread is for Arma 2 but it works the same. You should see pretty dramatic AA improvements especially on closer objects. I'm with Arthur, the trees in CLOD seem to not be optimized very well yet and hopefully this will improve in the future. I find the turning off the mirror (m key) and setting trees to low seems to have the greatest impact on FPS. You may be able to get away with just doing that. Also there is tell that in the conf.ini setting the stencil bits to 24 I believe it is has seemed to give an improvement for some folks. Don't know if this still applies in the latest patch but worth a shot. To my understanding CLOD doesn't have fully implemented multicore support yet so in time we should see the performance getting better as there are many areas they can improve optimization. Hope this helps, let us know.
  20. Kool, glad I could help, see if you can catch one of the Dogz on coms if you need any help. I believe that Steam will automatically update you to the current version as I don't think there are any beta patches out right now. Could be wrong about that as it changes often.
  21. Cliffs Of Dover is $12.49. For anyone interested I don't think your going to find it cheaper anywhere. Now might be the time to get it even if your rig isn't up to par. http://www.getgamesgo.com/product/il-2-sturmovik-cliffs-of-dover IL-2 is a unbelievably low $2.49 as well so if you know anyone who likes fight sims and doesn't own it, its never been cheaper. http://www.getgamesgo.com/product/il-2-sturmovik-1946
  22. That's right mister, and don't let it happen again. No, just kidding, my nerves ARE shot however. Did you ever see that movie Falling Down with Micheal Douglas.
  23. Awesome. For anyone interested Mechwarrior 4 is available for free along with a modpack. I've played this and while the graphics are dated it is a blast. http://www.mektek.net/
  24. It's actually a 560 ti thank you very much which has 48 more shader cores, 8 more texture units, and a 52.5 GTex/s fill rate as apposed to a 45.4 GTex/s. The 560 has a GPU reference clock of 812Mhz while the ti version's is 822Mhz. I'm running my MSI Twin Frozr II at 950Mhz GPU, 1896Mhz Shader and 2200Mhz memory clock rock solid and stable with the temp never going above 58C. Besides I'd rather throw it to the dogz then in the trash. Oh and I don't know how many of you will be running this in 2 years as they are only making 999 from what the article says. At that price I don't know why you wouldn't just go triple SLI GTX 580s.
  25. http://www.pcper.com/reviews/Graphics-Cards/ASUS-MARS-II-Dual-GTX-580-3GB-Graphics-Card-Review
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