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NEW DISCORD SERVER DETAILS - SIGN UP NOW - Dogz Members Only Private Thread ×


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Everything posted by PropNut

  1. Another retread! I wholeheartedly recommend Zoi (which means HoundDog in Russian so he already fits right in) for membership! We have been flying together for the last few years and he is a great addition to any squadron!
  2. Brando, it is easy to get here. Take the crosstown tube to Brimley station, exchange there to the Wumpus underground bus, into the trans-dimensional cross-way, bump over to the downtown portal and then step into my yard. Easy Peasy. Actually, I would be happy to give the stick, throttle quadrant and rudder pedals to anyone that wants to pay for shipping.
  3. I know where you can get an X52 for 45.00 if you want a change. On the freetrack we can tweak it so it is smooth and reliable.
  4. Hey Kira, if it is a broken connection on the USB cord it would be easy to check the solder joints and redo them. You can send it to me and I will check it out for you if you like but I am not sure if that is what is wrong. I can also walk you through checking the connect if you have a multi-meter. How did the Freetrack clip work for you?
  5. Sparky is a great guy, one of the really nice people that I have met online. I highly recommend his joining our family. (He can be the poor cousin that fetches beer)
  6. Everyone is posting pictures of their homemade controllers so I thought I would. I built a full simpit a couple of years ago (although I no longer use it) and here are the major parts that I made. I used two BU0836X boards for 16 Axis and 80 buttons. The joystick (sort of a mix of the I-16 and the spit controller. I used a U-Joint and home made hall effect sensors. My rudder pedals, made from 1/2 Baltic birch, some skate bearings, and cheap pots. Works very well. My throttle quadrant and a fake illuminator site to hide my Freetrack Webcam I retired my simpit as I hardly used it, gave the Q6600 system away and built this for my office:
  7. Yeah..... I saw a Grumman Avenger sitting in a back yard in California when I was a kid. The guy had bought it from the local air national guard (or some such) for scrap. It was flyable when he got it (he said). He was just sure that the aluminum would be valuable someday.....I wonder what happened to it? I really hope that he didnt get around to cutting it up like he had planned.He had purchased it in the 60's sometime.....aaahhh to have several thousand dollars to burn in the late 1940's when they were scrapping military hardware right from the factory. My grandfather was in the recycling business back then. My grandma told me to bought a field of Sherman tanks once for the scrap iron....would have loved to have seen that.
  8. Good point, how many are still sitting on oil cans in the south pacific?
  9. Sulky, I don't think anyone is considering purchasing vanilla Arma2. I think the point of our playing vanilla Arma2 is for those members who have Arma2 and have not yet purchased Operation Arrowhead.
  10. Here you go, scroll down to the bottom post: http://ultrapack.il2war.com/index.php?topic=1052.0
  11. WOW! Did you see that headset?!!! (just kidding, very very cool video)
  12. Even better: A night insertion into an enemy held airfield to destroy command and communication equipment. Silenced weapons, night vision, oh boy oh boy oh boy!
  13. I am in, let me know when is good for you. Monday nights are out due to RoF. What about a Saturday afternoon sometime?
  14. Thanks for posting this info Roger, it makes sense. I am afraid that we might be the primary cause for problems as we have been activly recruiting new DD for RoF and having them into TS to play. Having a semi public server (9988) makes sense and I will let folks know that this is the server that we should use. We have had a large influx of new members from my old squadron who are both Il-2 pilots and RoF pilots. But I agree that playing the "who-dat?" game is annoying during official coop nights, etc. Having two servers is a great idea for fixing this. What are the costs associated with having two servers? Will the dogs be opening the donation account back up? I would be happy to contribute.
  15. Hmm, you are a little too far for shipping but I build a model display cabinet (I sell them for pretty much any hobby really) with glass sides and doors with 1/4" glass shelves which are adjustable. The bottom is enclosed as Jabo describes. Cherry, Oak, Hickory, Maple, Walnut...I even made one with Padauk once. I will have to dig up a picture for you one of these days. I also put lighting in them (along the corners). I have even built them into kitchens when a customeor wants something special for thier new kitchen (my main business is custom kitchens).
  16. WHAT?!! So he can ruin two WWII war movies?!! lol
  17. Sheep?! We don't need no stink'in Sheep! (We have plenty of goats!)
  18. That really does look like a good movie
  19. Naaa, Archddug will not fit in, he drinks way too much, cusses waaay too much, enjoys sheep porn waaaaaay too much and....er...wait a minute.....on second thought...he does fit in after all
  20. PropNut

    Salute To Bg

    Jim, You have created what very few have ever been able to; a home and a family that transcends physical proximity. My wife told me today that a rather rich man donates money to a community nature trails organization with the expectation that his name will be put on large signs with large text everywhere on the trails. Some people try to buy immortality, the best people create it by caring and supporting others, like a family. You are far richer that the man who buys status, you have earned it in all of our eyes. Thank you for giving me a place in your family. David
  21. We do have one Norwegian member, Kimosabi, the first DD that I met before joining. My wife and I spent several days wandering around Oslo a couple of years ago, it is heart rending to think of anyone being hurt or killed by this type of violence (or any type for that matter) in such a beautiful city.
  22. What is with these Danish kids?! I take them to the mall and what do they do? Look at girls? No, they buy books by Nietzsche and Kant! Wow, wish my daughter were that dedicated to knowledge!

    1. Jediteo


      Some like reading books, others like juggling geese.

      Chicks are temporary, knowledge eternal.

    2. Shadrach


      But for young lads knowledge of chicks eternally trumps.

  23. we are being a host family to five teen aged boys who, along with their school band, are visiting us from Denmark. Oh my god! All they do is eat! And all they want to eat is MEAT! lol Good thing we have our own pigs, chickens and cows!

    1. Jabo


      Five? Good luck and don't forget to chain the refridgerator door.

    2. Crash


      Should that read "had our own pigs chickens and cows":huh:?

    3. Sweper


      Feed them with (Danish)pastry and they will be stuffed.

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