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Everything posted by PropNut

  1. Hey FF, you should bring your SE5a down to Harrison, OH for this years "Ohio Dawn Patrol" R/C event. Perhaps we can get Snacko to come out again with his camera. Come bask in the sauna-like heat with the rest of us! http://www.ohiodawnpatrol.com/ Don't forget Warbirds over Indiana at the AMA site in Muncie. They are having both the Warbirds event and the Hoosier Dawn Patrol on the same weekend, it will be a very large event. Your P51 would be one of the stars of the show there. David
  2. I would like to hope that those that crack the game are not ones that would continue to play it nor those who are active in the community.
  3. BA, I will get some pictures of the inner workings for you over the next couple of days, It would require that I disassemble the drawer. As for centering, there is no self centering with the trims. I calibrate the pots in Windows and then assign them in IL-2. I then check them in 4.101's input utility and center them if they are not already. Flying a Hurri yesterday was, hands off (for the first time) after setting my trims. The nice thing is that these are 10-turn pots, so I have lots and lots of room for adjustment with them.
  4. Thanks Snacko, Mayhem. Mayhem, I had/have a full simpit but found that I played on my desktop much more often.
  5. Thanks MT and Sweper. Sweper, my CNC is a DIY setup. Made of MDF, an old router and some electronics. The build can be found here: http://www.cnczone.com/forums/diy-cnc_router_table_machines/107010-another_cnc_router_success_story.html
  6. I posted this on SimHQ but thought I would share ti here as well. This just proves that I really have no life outside the walls of my cell...er....home. The axis, switches and buttons are controlled via two Leo Bodnar BU0836X controller boards (I can expand to 16 axis and 80 buttons). I decided on solid maple to match the rest of the woodwork in my office (and I just like the stuff). My CNC cut the panels to size. The wood is actually cut-offs from solid maple table legs that I made for a customer last week, that was handy. The Axis knobs and levers are 1/4" plexi cut on my CNC and heat polished along the edges. The plexi is left over from another project hense the black paint on one side. I should have just used some new plexi as I think the black paint is too scuffed but I can remake them anytime. The Trims are 10k, 10turn Bourne potentiometers while the other axis are 10k bourne panel mount potentiometers (Ebay finds). I will post pictures of the mechinisms if anyone is interested. The Warthog Graphic must, of course, grace the drawerheads so I used the CNC to encribe each to a depth of 1/16". I would have made the drawerheads wider to hide the drawer slides and drawer mounts but they are tight to my chair as it is. There is no room to spread them out as the countertop supports are mounted on either side. My Saitek Combat Rudder Pedals should arrive by next week and that will complete my rollout simpit. Enjoy: Yes, that is Cliffs of Dover in Eyefinity. But I must run it with low settings to get acceptable framerates so I usually rotate one of the monitors back to landscape and play it on med/high settings.
  7. The Game-o-Meter opined: "Two tin cans connected by a wet string can transfer information faster than your system. Please try not to share your system information with others as ridicule may ensue" Everyone has got to be a critic, I get no respect!
  8. I buy most of my games through Steam, it works very well and is handy for reinstalls. They have some incredible deals every so often.
  9. Nice Jack, I am sure you will love it. Kimo is spot on about the ram cooling issue, passive cooling is more than plenty with DDR3 even when overclocking. I pumped my system (i7 920/12gb Corsair Dominator ) up to 4.2 back when I was folding and no issues whatsoever. Then my wife went around the house measuring the power consumption...hehe....boy was she annoyed with me....and of course I put all my clocks back to stock.
  10. I just bought it and downloaded the Beta 2 version so I have no experience with the first version.
  11. I can start the game with all three monitors working but the two wing monitors drop out every once in a while. The message still appear on them but they are black otherwise. It seem to come and go. Does anyone else have or have seen this issue? My hardware: i7-920 12gb Corsair 1333 ram ATI HD5850 XFX 3 x Acer 22: 1680x1050 monitors EVGA X58 SLI A1 mb
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