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Everything posted by PropNut

  1. So around 2-3pm EST. I will try to watch the clock on be online about that time. Thanks!
  2. Wow, that does sound good. I will need to rearrange my schedule.
  3. I understand now, sorry. I thought you were responding to my post about the Invasion 1944 mod. The steam version of both games should be ready to go as steam does the nessecary updates to play the game (without mods).
  4. We play the Arma2 version not the combined version so I do not know, sorry.
  5. Rattler, there is an extensive Normandy map for the mod. Beaches and some of the major cities are included. Good fun. The modeling for the tanks, jeeps, etc are pretty darned good. The ME109 and P51 are fun to fly as well.
  6. Several of us have been playing the Invasion 1944 mod for Arma2, if you have not yet seen that it is very much worth looking into.
  7. No, you should have demanded the address of a better store. Wish NewEgg had retail outlets......hmmm......happy thoughts....
  8. Malwarebytes is a very good utility for finding and fixing issues such as this. This is in addition to those that BluBear mentioned.
  9. I am a newegg junky....I need help
  10. Hey Capt Jack, how have you been? Where in Michigan is this aircraft located? Is it in the AirZoo in Kalamazoo, MI by any chance? If so I can stop by there one of these days and get pictures for you if you like. I am down that way for business or visiting my wife's brother more often than I like, lol.
  11. I did not put any key assignments in as you can set your own. I just wanted people to see what is availible. And if you print the PDF (or I can send you the Excel file) you can write down for yourself what works best for you.
  12. Delta inspired me so I typed out the control keys for Aircraft, General, and Game. Here it is as a PDF file. Clod KeyBindings.pdf
  13. Hi MT, I loaded CLoD and took screenshots of each page of keybindings (keys only mind you, I did not even do axis') and ended up with 37 screenshots! This did not include vehicle controls (VEHICAL CONTROLS?!!!), pan controls, view controls, comms controls, etc. This was just General keybindings and aircraft keybindings...sheesh....unless I can up load all 37 here (@ 6.7 megs each I would need to reduce/resize first) I am not sure how to get them to you. David
  14. Amazing difference in performance. Same settings (High/medium mix) and my frame rate nearly tripled. Over london it went from 9-15 near the ground to 30-35 (yes, with the bombers in the air). Over the water it is awesome, 70-85fps attacking the bombers with spits, hurricanes, HE111's, and ME109s in the air. Very few pauses over london (low) at first and then they were gone for the rest of the flight. None at all attacking the bombers over london nor over the water. Is the game fixed? I doubt it, there are still bugs, but as far as framerate I am very happy.
  15. Luthier is specific (in a later post) that a ban would only be for cheat mods not performance increase mods. Luthier: "We won't ban you for SSAO, but we will ban you for FM / DM modifications, transparent textures, etc"
  16. You can get a cheap copy of Win7 if you are a student at a college or university, or know someone that is a student at a college or univesity. Microsoft sells several editions to student for about 29.99 USD. You just need an email adress that ends with .edu This too is completely legitimate, one copy per .edu email address. Or, many universities and colleges allow their students and faculty to purchase Windows7 from their tech department.(I am a graduate student, yes even at the age of 43 I still like to learn...although my wife says that I never do...now I wonder what she means by that? ) For U.S. residents: http://www.microsoft.com/student/en/us/software/windows/default.aspx For U.K. residents: http://www.microsoft.com/student/en/gb/windows/buynow/default.aspx Hope this helps David
  17. By the way, I assume that you are in the UK but if you are a night owl we also play Rise of Flight on Monday/Thursday nights about 8pm GMT -5.
  18. PropNut


    Woops, sorry. Yes, they do support DX11, I misspoke. That was one of the selling points then the 5000 series came out.
  19. oooohhh, how long before Bad Aim finds out that he has a new disciple? Welcome BongoDriver! I look forward to being shot down by you (ok, everyone shoots me down, I might as well admit this)
  20. PropNut


    Hey BG, no idea on FRAPs, mine is working ok. Could there be something keeping Fraps from loading the overlay into memory? On the GPU issue; the 5970 is still significantly faster than the 6970 so that might be a reason. Not to say that the 6970 are not very fast, they are. The 6000 series were not meant to replace the 5000 series as far as speed but to add features and improve power usage (as I understand it). My 5850's are faster than the 6800 series cards (according to benchmarks). Supposedly the 6000 series are cheaper to make as well (as explained on Tom's Hardware site, so take that as you wish). The 6000 series also adds DX11 support but so far (again from reviews) this has not been an overwealming addition. Just my .02 David
  21. Homefront was hacked before it's release. Multiplayer hacks infested the servers from day one. Sad really.
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