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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Ovy

  1. Hooray ! Hope to meet you next year! Ovy
  2. Nice pictures JP, really nice pictures....and sharing them with the ones who didn't make it to Duxford is even nicer ... Thanks Ovy
  3. ~S~ BG! Great pictures , no matter how good the camera one must have the "eye" to catch the best..Stunning photos, keep them coming. I just made myself a promise- if i am safe and sound next year i'll join Duxford and hope to see you all guys in your best shape. Cheers Ovy
  4. Hi FT give a warm salute to all the attending Dogz from me, would be nice to have the group picture taken while you're all still sober, Have a really nice time ! Ovy
  5. Welcome to the Dogz Pack, wolfie Salute ! Ovy
  6. Just great ...laughed untill i ran out of tears.. Cheers mate Ovy
  7. Ovy


    Dear All, since i will be in holiday and not able to join you until next year i wish to all the Dogz a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year , health and wealth ! Ovy
  8. Man THAT is cold... Here the blizzard raised havoc on roads and railroads. A standard 3hrs traintrip having a 26 hrs delay. People complaining on TV and radio but without realising that untill the bilzzard stops (or calms down) there is nothing to be done. Check this one: the bus gets stranded in a snow covered road. The local authorities sent a grader - it got stuck as well . Another grader was sent after a few attempts to drag the first one it broke down. Then the Army sent a BTU - it did not even make it to the crash zone
  9. In the case of ex USSR to some extent i agree with Tribunus - some of the people, mainly in the western part of USSR, regarded the Wehrmach as "liberators" . Also in ex-Yugoslavia was the case of Chetniks. This tendency comes from the fact that they were hoping to get back some privileges (land/ranks etc) or gain new ones over rival(s) or minorities. The fact that - in the Ubermensch philosophy/propaganda - they were looked upon as subhumans and treated accordingly was a huge mistake. The perception of the term "partisan" is still a bit different in Europe towards US - most of the partisan groups acted individually without being coordinated - some like outlaws . Later in the course of war they received indeed support in ammo and even expertise - like british did for the Tito's partisans and for France "Maquisards" . But if captured no Geneva Convention was mentioned - since they were not enlisted - only the firing squad. Hope i'm not being annoying...
  10. I had the privilege to seat in the cockpit of a Gripen and to admire the demo flight of the test pilot . Not only it is (probably) the only aircraft i saw backing up ( sorry - in reverse!) but it is also extremely versatile and unsurpassed in maintenance short time - to my knowledge. There's a big issue over here about what Romanian Air Force should buy - Gripen or F-16.
  11. Ovy

    DD vs 15./JG52 DF

    Thanks again Jim for the work - as Gec said i only had the same warping problems - sometimes really infuriating mainly when having the target in sights and then -whoop- where is it?... Apart from that it was allright to me. Thanks Gec for liaison with the 102nd. Salute all!
  12. My dog after eating a baddie ... and Dog Ovy...
  13. Ovy

    DD vs 15./JG52 DF

    Gents, like my predecessor i have to say it's confusing when the match will be. I have to go to work for some time now so i will go with the presumption that 1) This Saturday is BG's ussual and 2) Sunday will face the other team. Someone has to make a move... Cheers all Ovy
  14. Coming from the Balkans - like Gec- we have learned quite a lot on the partisan fights in wwII. Part of it was of course propaganda but definetly in the case of (ex) yugoslavians and (ex) soviets their actions really caused major disruptions of the axis plans. So did - at a smaller scale if i may use the comparative - the greeks . Now , coming o the issue of why the germans "masters of the war" did not have SAS-like actions behind the lines , i have a personal point by saying that it was practically impossible to achieve such thing since they were an Occupying Force , trying to invade a Foreign teritory, speaking a Different language , and most of all - having no support from the local indigen population. Without a hide-out - there's no Partisan - check the forest / villages where known partisan troups been confirmed. And may i also say , having partisans against SS or Wehrmacht INSIDE Germany sounds like ...hm ...having partisans against Stalin or the Soviets at that same time in USSR. Hope there will never be the case for similar activities...
  15. Ovy

    DD vs 15./JG52 DF

    Hope to join you as well if it's gonna be around 20hrs GMT !
  16. I used to play quite a lot with carbide + water + a tin box ,then a spark => Kaboom (Rico) - when we were kids...Now thinking back it's pretty
  17. Happy thanksgiving for the American contingent... ~S~ Ovy
  18. Ovy

    TrackIR advice

    Guys, most of you already know that i'm still "flying" without normal auxiliary gadgets such as TrackIR and rudder pedals. Now i like to selfindulge myself thinking i was a good boy this year and Santa will bring me something to improve my airplane handling. So plase give me an advice for the version/maker of the TrackIR you're happy with so i should start composing my letter to the old bearded man without complaining about conflicts with the software and the rest of elements involved in the computer. Salute, Ovy
  19. Really great stuff ! I wonder how the ale is tasting...
  20. i wonder if the driver had a parachute... Ovy
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