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3. Danger Dogz
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Posts posted by Ovy

  1. He was my instructor at Bomber School J-O...he could put a bomb through a chimney used by emergency exit by  Marry Poppins ...I am still remember his first words in first session of BS : "you fighter boysneed to erase your reflexes...you're gonna need every inch of the runway to take-off, for a start...Nice to hear he's ok

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  2. I've done as much as i could in terms of recruitment , but from all the guys i invited and joined our ranks only Dan is constantly flying with us , on both Il2 and CloD. And of course i call Thor every Tuesday :-).

    I will also invite some Finns and Germans for the Tuesday show - guess you know them from SEOWs - we'll see their response.

    But i also think that the ones from the kennel still here is mainly due to the fact we have solidified over the years a former virtual into a real one friendship - enjoying every minute together, laughing or empathizing , no more points competitors...I am sure we all wanted to prove (to ourselves firstly) something about flying in the past years, remember Flight Ladder , or TopGun competitions...well, that's all gone, at least for me ...

    Ah, one more thing...disturbing...some of us are getting older...and old gits like to stick to oll habits :-)...Yep, i had the guts to call it loudly and , why not, with pride !

    Stay where the fun is !


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  3. ~S~

    Here are my suggestions (based on events we held here at DDz when BG was alive and SEOW experience(s) :

    - mision duration -one hour.

    - all pilots in TS at 20.00 for teaming up (15 min.), server up at 20.15 then 15min. for planning,

    - closing door and start 20.30

    - just one restart if anyone crashes at T/O or has PC issues but no later than 5mins from start - in this case hosting server will restart

    - map size - the same

    - Jabo's idea good - self plane as white icon on the map - this enables Painless carrier map suggestion . We want to fight not make eye wrinkles navigating , eh?

    How about different airplanes for sides , with reasonable similar performances. After one hour swap places and have another go. Final score merging the results?


    Anyway great job , thank you gentlemen !

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  4. Hey Luka, nice to hear again (good news) from you. I play DCS but with MiG15 & 21. Only spent a couple of hours trying to get the Ciornii Akula up and land without breaking it.

    I am usually at DDz TS almost on a daily basis from ~7 CET ...give me a shout , i am contemplating the idea of data-link support


    Zdravo !


  5. Absolutely right ! We can only hope our rulers will never forget that and not allow repetition.

    Just some personal thoughts over Greece and Yugoslavia:

    - Greece was way too important for NATO to accept losing such a strategic place , even though Russians tried what is called "export of revolution" the Army quickly reacted (see Turkey also)

    - not to be forgotten that Randolph Churchill fought side by side literally with Tito for a couple of years, ensuring a bond which was to last until his death. Tito promised his comunism will never be conducted from Moscow and kept his word

    Ah, one more thing - both countries never had direct border with the Bear...


    A parallel between Yalta and Malta is clearly visible , since you know more than me...when the big boys agree to share their toys there's nothing the little ones can do. Or is it?


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