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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Sweper

  1. Salute Zooly. Sorry to hear about that mate. Hope you will be allright soon. Wish you all the best.
  2. Had to look this one up. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Spooner+ Yikes..! Which one did you mean?
  3. Welcome to the shee... Dogz Sfrost.
  4. Ouch..! Sounds like me on a take off. That "Oh, sure, and the silly sods had parked the number 56 right at the back of the line!" - line, got me
  5. Klick on "vimeo" in the low right corner for large format and justify the beauty of it.
  6. I have tons of missions, different style, that I use when hosting UP3RC4. Q. Can I use them in 4.11.1? I understand if the MDS ones is not compatible.
  7. Nice Snacko! Understand you´re happy man .
  8. Thanks for the heads up BluBear! That sound that sound... Worth waiting for.
  9. Sweper

    Swap Offered

    Ohh my.. I thought the topic was "Swep offered" . Newer mind....
  10. Sweper

    Camera Woes...

    Looks great mate! Glad it was sorted, even though you´d to buy a new lens.
  11. "Ready to take off - Captain" "Yeah, lets to blow some swimsuits!"
  12. Sweper

    Camera Woes...

    I would recommend medical booze, as we call it here in Sweden. It is 96% alcohol which can be bought in a pharmacy. It wount affect any kind of hard plastics I think. My suggesting is to drip it on cotton pins, what we call Topz. Then clean all contacts. Found this on a photo community: "Usually error 99 means that your lens contacts (maybe in the body, or the lens itself) is dirty. I got this from the web and saved it in my laptop just in case I get the same error: 1. Carefully clean the 8 gold color lens contact pins on the camera body lens mount with a pencil eraser. Do this while holding the camera so that any eraser dust will not fall into the camera. 2. Take out both batteries. Yes, there are 2. I had forgotten about the smaller Date/Time battery. Also remove the CF memory card. 3. With the batteries removed, turn the camera switch on for 3-5 minutes. He said that this clears the memory. 4. Turn the camera off and put the batteries and CF card back in. 5. Re-attach the lens and turn it back on. "
  13. Nice photos Rox. A lot to discover out there. In a photo community where I´m a member, there are some other members that are in to digi-scoping. You only need a simple digital and an adapter to attach the camera to a telescope. I also read about this tracking device you already got. Seem to be fun. Did you caputure the moon when both Venus and Jupiter were at its closest? We saw it pretty clear up here. Keep them coming.
  14. Well, that was funny I think I understod your joke now Jabo... ...get another beer...
  15. Sweper


    From the album: Photos

  16. Why I answered with a big questionmark. Any suggestions?
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