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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Sweper

  1. CG. Many years ago, we used to go camping every midsummer in Skagen, the most northern part of Denmark. The Germans did a good job there too. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skagen
  2. Cool Rog. Did you add this function now or was it functional from day 1?
  3. Thanks Rog. A fraction akward since you have to jump back and forth. Maby a multi image insert could work. Painless. Yea, no, some historical society have guided tours where they allow you climbing the tower and sit in the flak-gun chair. Me think.
  4. Found an airdefence tower in the woods. I new it was in the area but not exacty where. It was built during the years of WW2 to protect two power stations. It was equipped with a 40mm flak gun at top. Also took a couple of photos on the surroundings. Pic with 40mm I stole from internet... Photos at top of main page. Dont know how to implement photos from the Gallery in the thread.
  5. Sweper


    Found a airdefence tower in the woods. New it was in the area but not exacty where. It was built in the year of WW2 to protect two power stations. Alos took some pictures of the surroundings.
  6. Sweper


    From the album: Photos

  7. Sweper


    From the album: Photos

  8. Sweper


    From the album: Photos

  9. Sweper


    From the album: Photos

  10. Sweper


    From the album: Photos

  11. Sweper


    From the album: Photos

  12. Sweper


    From the album: Photos

  13. Chaps! I owe you one, or two, you decide . Thanks mates, all sorted out and I can host again. Now we´ll see if I can connect to Crash server. Cheers!
  14. ~S~ chaps. Talked to tele2 support and they always recommend you to reset the router in cases like this. I did. Now the router is back to factory defalt. Help!
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N73yGRqDThU
  16. ~S~ Nick and Arjen. Thanks for your help. So far everything is back to "normal" - regarding .Net versions etc. - I´m able to load Dynamic-DNS and run it again. IIt seems that I´m also able to connect to any server but Crash´s. Tested a couple 4.11 severs on Hyperlobby yesterday and it works. So does the mds-server, Friars, Painless and others. When pinging Crash´s server with tracert it stops somewhere before reaching Crash IP-adress. Also, nobody that tried, was able to connect to my server . *#%&*>!% software buggers .
  17. ~S~ Crash. Before I download any program I want to try manually to solve it. Thanks anyway. Checked my Router settings today and it looks ok. But could not find where to check/set 21000 adress. I was able to connect to Friars server and MDS-server yesterday. But not to Crash server and no one could connect to my sweper.dangerdogz.com server. It has always worked before. I have hosted dogfight maps every friday and no one had any issues to connect. Something may have happend when I deleted Samsung Kies the other day. I thought it slowed down my pc at start up and it also installed lots of files that I wount use. Yesterday Nick helped me to re-install Net framework 4 and we also deleted all old versions. I cant use the Dynamic DNS Client anymore. It is used to host on the dangerdogz server and was provided by Roger. When i start it up it looks like this:
  18. Thanks Nick. (In)officially I´m now a member. Hope I get the "ticket" till then.
  19. Thanks. Used a 10.5mm fisheye.
  20. Thanks Nick for heads up on Snafu. Arthur, sorry to hear you can´t attend. When am I going to see you mate?
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