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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Sweper

  1. Yes, it is a true story. It has been in the Swedish newspapers too. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2245849/Children-banned-dressing-gingerbread-men.html
  2. CH 568 Combatstick Ailrons: 40 45 50 55 60 66 73 81 90 100 Elevator: 40 42 45 50 55 62 69 78 89 100 CH Pro Pedals Rudder: 50 56 61 67 72 78 83 89 94 100
  3. Sweper

    Persian Design

    Very nice Rox! Excellent camera work. I sure like to have one of those carpets in my living room. Suppose it would be more worth than the value of my flat. What have they mounted into the walls, diamonds?
  4. Yep, good idéa Jabo. I´ll sort it out one way or another.
  5. I´d like to, but. Earliest train from Falkenberg gives me about one hour in Copenhagen before takeoff. Not much to play with I´m afraid. Slighest delay and I´m screwed. I would then have arrived around 11 Duxford time. I checked time schedule that is not up to date though. A new will be released this week actually! But I doubt it will be any earlier since it is going to be a summer schedule.
  6. This year, err.. next years event I think I´ll arrive one day earlier to get another day at Duxford and also to avoid that we´ll be late for dinner. If the flight and train schedule fits that is. So, regarding hotel nights that will be; thursday -> friday -> saturday -> sunday -> monday -> eventually to friday in Painless master bedroom couch.
  7. Sweper

    Duxford 2012 with Samsung S2

    Found some photos in my Samsung Galaxy S2. Had not installed proper settings for WAP until reasently and forgot all about it. Not the "brightest" camera in dark enviroments
  8. Happy Birthday Friar! (If not noticed on yesterdays moving choir concert in C-Major, where my neighbours dog joined for a moment).
  9. Sweper


    Why look so girlie? Ok, I don´t want you to throw up your dinner so I deleted this disgraceful pic (NOT of myself!). Cheers
  10. Sweper

    Save space on deck

    Eww, talk to whom it may concerne. I only took the photo.
  11. Nice Rox! When you are back home I want the whole story and pic´s of course
  12. Your last sentence said it all. Just go for it mate. I was in a similar situation when I joined the Dogz, we had a match against another squad and I was too covard to join the fun. Since you are a real man (unlike me that has been raised under 100 years of socialsm and a too caring mom) I think you have the qualities. I´m in.
  13. Sweper

    Zach And I 09 12

    Time to call Cesar
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