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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Sweper

  1. Looks like fake to me. Only place I could find this particular photo was here: http://www.northweal...USEUM-SHOP.html as a postcard if you scroll down a bit. The Gloster Meteor looks a bit strange. The canopy is way to short (you can actually see they have erased the back of the canopy for some reason) and the yellow stripe on the fuslage I could only find on a training plane, like T7 and one other type. But the T7 has a much larger canopy and the other had a rounded rudder. The tail/rudder is not the rounded type and indicates it is an F8 or later. The photo is obviously modified. Either they have cropped in each plane or masked the planes and saturated the background (look at furthest top, they have missed a bit). There is a significant aura halo/pixlation arond each plane which indicates they either cropped/copied the planes from another photo, or owersharped them and maybe resized the photo. Also have a close look around the tailwheel at the Hurrie. I searched the internet and could not find any matching photo of either the Lightning, Meteor, Hunter or the Javelin. Strange.
  2. Sweper


    Censorship has hit the UK. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2266738/Censorship-row-BBC-cuts-racist-lines-classic-Fawlty-Towers-episode.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
  3. Sweper

    Low Pass

    Haha, they were running like hell. ALT ALT ALT - MAX G
  4. Sweper

    Jabo Enterprise

    From the album: Photos

    Jabo Enterprise has reached my home town.
  5. Sweper

    Low Pass

    The Russian(?) one at 1:50 was a bit to low to be comfortable. I wonder if he was aware of how freaking low he was!
  6. A very intresting site about foreign forced landings in Sweden during WW2. If you chose the English version, unfortunately a lot of text will be missing and also their own project on the restoration of a Heinkel H111 H-3 that was found in Norway (two pages, klick on link at bottom of first page) will be missing. Maybe google translation will help a bit, but I have noticed it could look kind of funny some times. I really would like to visit them and take some pics, since the location of the H111 restoration takes place only 5 km from where I live. I e-mailed them but they answered the they only allow groups on specific scheduled times of the year. http://www.forcedlandingcollection.se/index.html
  7. Sweper

    Hey Guys

    Salute Faustnik and welcome to the sheeps place.
  8. Sweper

    Uk Airshows

    Would be nice to see a list of all airshows this year, dates and what kind of aircraft partipicating. I could think of going more than once (Flying Legends).
  9. Thanks for thinking of me mates! I´m due to a physicterapist next week, no, not her Painless, and hope that I´m getting better soon. It hurts a bit but not more than it´s bearable with a pill or two. Beer has to wait for a while. Cheers
  10. I would go for No. 3 103 p/n for a twin room is acceptable me think. Not too far away to The Legends (if FT find the way).
  11. Sweper


    From the album: Photos

  12. Sweper


    From the album: Photos

  13. What they said, glad she came out of it without any injuries
  14. Nice pics Snacko! Looked like that two weeks ago, now raining and +5c. Santa left Rudolph home, drove a 4W Subaru
  15. Just uploaded three of them: http://dangerdogz.com/forums/files/file/710-george-beurling-skins/
  16. Sweper

    Thanks !

    Merry Christmas to you all! Painless sweethart, how dare you even think that sombody hates you . Thanks to chaps like you I have had the greatest time with speedos clothes on.
  17. Thanks. The whole book is very enjoyable. There are many other first hand experiences in the book, like this, that let you smile a lot. I left out the beginning of the story i noticed. On 5 March we were at Hatston sitting in our Nissen hut crewroom with the radiogram full on and thick snow on the airfield and runways outside. Norman came in and told us that David Wilkinson had just landed his Seafire with a chap on his tail. The man was his fitter from Furious and he was so cold that he had to be kept in the same shape without bending him, all the way to the sickbay. The story was told in the Press next day. Lt (A) Davit Wilkinson, RNVR was a former Lord Mayor of London´s son, and therefore pressworthy. The papers of the day gave a remarkably truthful account of the drama and I will quote from it.
  18. Painless mentioned on TS the other night, about someone hanging on the tail on an aircraft that I don´t recall right now. I remembered I read a similar story from the book: They Gave Me a Seafire by Commander R. ´Mike´Crosley, DSC, RN. I have searched the internet but couldn´t find the story about it. So I decided to write it down from the book. Here we go: For 15 minutes, Leading Air Mechanic James Edward Overed, 35, FAA technician, who had been swept off the deck of an aircraft carrier, clung to the tail of a Seafire. Here is his story: The aircraft carrier (Furious) was operating in home waters on a cold windy day with a snowstorm likely to break at any moment. We had headed out to sea at about 1100. The snowstorm had already begun and, with a hurricane blowing, we could hardly stand on the flight deck. When the order came over the loudspeaker the aircraft were duly ranged and placed into flying position, with the air mechanincs standing by their respective kites. I was responsible for Lt Wilkinson´s and he was first off. The planes were all being ´run-up´as the ship turned into the wind, and a terrible wind it was, too. Lt Wilkinson´s plane was running at a fast tick-over, warming up before the full-power check. He gave the signal for two men to lie on his tail, while he revved up to full power. This task was done by another rating and myself. We both lay prone on the tailplane, he on the port side and me on the starboard, and we waited for the pilot to open up. After a while, the other rating got off to remind the pilot that we were waiting for him to open up. Then the fun began. The pilot opened up his throttle to full boost and up came the tail. I knew this had happened but still thought he was doing the full-power check. Then, the aircraft started to move forward but I had no feeling of forward motion. The terrific slipstream plus the hurricane was doing its utmost to remove me from the tail. The only grip I had was at the elevator hinge, so with this and my legs swinging in mid-air, I held on. I had the feeling that the tail had come down on the deck again and I got ready to get off at any second. I had my eyes closed, but on opening them I saw to my horror that the carrier was below and astern and that we were just passing over the top of a carrier cruiser underneath. I hung on like glue...I thought of my wife and daughter...I thought my number was up. I was tempted to let go when I saw the cruiser, for he might rescue me if he was watching, but I decided to hang on. After about 15 minutes or so, I heard a reduction in engine revs and I prepared for a crash landning, not knowing where I was. The runway (at Hatston) was white with snow so I thought he was crashing in a field so I pulled up my legs in order not to have them trapped under the fuslage. After landning I did not remember anything more until I ´came to´inside the ambulance. I was told afterwards that the pilot removed me and placed me upon the snow and covered me with his flying coat and put his Mae West under my head for a pillow...Next morning the pilot visited me in the hospital, and thought I was too full of admiration for his skill to speak, he said: Good show, jolly good show.
  19. Happy Birthday Squawk!
  20. Haha, hillareous! We once had a cookie that we called Negerboll: Negro Ball. But that was forbidden too. "They" renamed it to: Chocolate ball, instead. We called it Immigrant Ball. I wonder where we are going? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chokladboll
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