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Everything posted by Zooly

  1. I need a temporary name for the Wife's shirt (flying legends meet),
  2. Zooly

    X52 profile help

    the more I learn about the x52 the more my head hurts, I guess I need a few hours to actually get my head around all the possible control configurations.
  3. I had a ZX81 also but thought no-one would know what it was, I had the 16k memory pack also I also recall the comp was more suited to keeping a door open than actually doing anything useful as the damn thing would crash if you touched the mempack or indeed it would crash if you so much as looked at it bloody useless.
  4. Zooly

    X52 profile help

    Its a lot to take in initially due to the vast amount of possible control configs but I'm getting there (with thanks Perfesser
  5. Zooly

    X52 profile help

    Can someone help in the profile department please as there are a heck of a lot of buttons and my head is beginning to hurt.
  6. But how big a deal would it be for us all to change over?
  7. http://video.google.co.uk/videosearch?hl=en&q=battle360&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=t_0vSpWxG-KNjAfBvdSVCw&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&resnum=4&ct=title# I saw an episode this morning and was captivated, I'd recommend it wholeheartedly.
  8. I see words but they have no meaning
  9. thursday is good for me, cheers mate.
  10. I have the logitech quickcam e3500 webcam and would like some help in regard to removing the ir filter please.
  11. I have it from time to time, do you get the 'video driver stopped responding' (or something like that)?
  12. OMG my eyes seem to be leaking, now that is inspiration.
  13. all politicians shat in the same pot so how will blue be different to red?
  14. I dont think giving my mobile number on an open forum topic would be a good idea as its a company supplied phone. I'll happily hand it over in a private topic though.
  15. Was a (very) amateur footballer for a local pub team years ago but sustained a knee injury so I had to give it up
  16. I really dont get why US Football is so called as hands seem to be involved
  17. I cant download the software from anywhere, the link on the 'official' website is no good
  18. I'm gonna get me a shirt too so it will be harder to hide
  19. We will be doing a day trip, there AM leave after show (or whenever).
  20. The Defiant will be flying again?
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