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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Lothar

  1. You want their phone number BG?
  2. I know a lot of lesbians...
  3. Also, it seems they've already done some works on the colours: Here's a post from the Ubizoo, with more recent pics from other sites: http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/23110283/m/5211050008 (if it's the same pictures as already posted, I'm sorry.. But it takes ages for me to load these pictures, so I didn't compare all of them..)
  4. Lothar


    Gec, IT WORKS!! Thank you a lot! BG, it's strange, but the 47 exe didn't work for me... Maybe it's for 4.08 only?
  5. Lothar


    Not yet, I wanted to download it yesterday but my connection was so crappy it would've taken 2 hours to download (2 hours for 4MB!!!) I'm dowloading right now and it's only 9 minutes left, will tell you as soon as I've tried it! Thanks Gec
  6. Lothar


    The switcher? What do you mean with the switcher? I mean, I can't get the 4.09 running, that's a copy without mods (clean 4.07+4.08+4.09), so I don't get a version switcher with it... Well, nvm I'll just wait for UI 1.2.5 to come out, and I'm sure it will work fine then.
  7. Lothar


    Nope, doesn't work BG, but thank you. If you say I have to put this il2fb.47 into the game file, you main the main folder right? Where il2fbis already located? oh well I guess I'll wait to play this 409final until I have found my disk again. But many thanks for your help so far
  8. Lothar


    I'm sorry, but the file I get once it's downloaded is called il2fb.47.exe Now I don't know what that .47 is doing there, and when I try to run it I get the message 'il2fb.47.exe is not a valid win32 program' (translated from dutch) when I delete the .47 it's still the same message... I will download it again, but if anyone has better ideas.. EDIT: when I open it as administrator,
  9. Lothar


    Thanks BG, should've searched better. Will try and tell you if it worked
  10. Lothar


    Thanks for all the help so far guys, so I patched the clean install up to 4.09m (could handle that), but apparently I forgot how to launch the game without needing the actual DVD. I've bought the DVD, take my word, but I haven't got it next to me and I'm sure there must be a way to launch 4.09 without needing the official disk.. thanks for any help.. (But don't panic, I kept the UI 1.1, this 4.09 is just a separate install..)
  11. I'm sorry, but you spelled it wrong. It should be hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia, without the double 'p'
  12. Arachibutyrophobia, how do you pronunciate it?
  13. Lothar


    Thanks Jabo, That's all the info I need! On the other hand Crash just posted a link to the ubizoo forum confirming UI 1.2.5, compatible for 4.09. I guess that will be our new standard in the future so I'll just skip this UI 1.2 and wait for 1.2.5 Cheers
  14. Lothar


    Hey Dogs, I haven't been up to much flying this summer, but I feel this is about going to change.. I'm sorry if I suddenly went quiet without telling why, reason is simply that during summer a whole lot is going on and the few moments I could actually have flown I didn't feel in the mood. But I knew autumn would come, so it didn't need a farewell. Anyway, I'm back into my school routine, and very happy to say that probably from next week on I'll be able to joing you all in the sky once again. I've got just a small issue, apparently 4.09 is finally out. I think it's great, and I just downloaded this patch too, but now I'm not too sure anymore if my game version is still compatible with the one you dogs are using now... So can someone please be so kind to tell me what exactly has changed? I still have the game like it was last June,
  15. I'm certainly planning on going to Duxford next year, Normandy remains an option but the van seems frightening indeed..
  16. Just a glimmer of hope, but who knows... I'll be in Edinburgh the 10th of July, is the train connection from Edinburgh to Duxford feasible or should I just stay in Scotland? I plan on hiking around in Scotland (the Northwest) from 10 to 24 July, so that leaves me some hope to go to Duxford... Of course I have to convince the other friends that I leave them for a day or 2...
  17. Just a glimmer of hope, but who knows... I'll be in Edinburgh the 10th of July, is the train connection from Edinburgh to Duxford feasible or should I just stay in Scotland? I plan on hiking around in Scotland (the Northwest) from 10 to 24 July, so that leaves me some hope to go to Duxford... Of course I have to convince the other friends that I leave them for a day or 2...
  18. Happy Birthday Rico and Hollywood! What did you get?
  19. Happy Birthday Rico and Hollywood! What did you get?
  20. Amazing indeed! Reminds me of that thread on the Ubizoo some time ago about a girl passing her Pilot License even though she didn't have arms.
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