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NEW DISCORD SERVER DETAILS - SIGN UP NOW - Dogz Members Only Private Thread ×


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    United States

Everything posted by Rico

  1. Yeah.
  2. Thought you might like to fly it in the game too.
  3. Looks sharp, Rattler!
  4. Was great fun wasn't it?
  5. Rico

    Help My Soldier!

    Ah, bless the British.
  6. It pops up when you hit the map, Jedi, but he's talking about whether the map is up or not. Smash, I'm guessing you tried quitting out and getting back into the game?
  7. I've gotten that before.
  8. Congrats, BG!!
  9. Rico

    TS Display

    I use TSO.
  10. Tonar, I have a CD I burned for just such an occasion.
  11. Can't wait!
  12. Good lookin' family there, CG.
  13. Don't do that!!
  14. Howdy, and welcome to the Dogz, deadly_magpie!
  15. Rico

    Help My Soldier!

  16. rofl
  17. Rico

    Help My Soldier!

    Thanks for the help guys, I'll call her in a couple hours before she gets on the plane and let her know.
  18. Rico

    Help My Soldier!

    One of my former Soldiers just got assigned to the good ol' UK.
  19. Try setting your delay to 0.0s and drop from about 250m to see what happens.
  20. Awesome , man!
  21. Rico

    Good day DD

    Blade, Why don't you come join us on Saturday ( Linky ).
  22. Rico

    Good day DD

    I don't have a problem with guest pilots.
  23. lol I would, and if the IRR call-up goes that way, I'll do so willingly and happily.
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