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Posts posted by Sid

  1. Now...I installed sp3 via Windows manual update 2 days ago smoothly with no hitches and have noticed the following:

    I have an icon for an 'A' floppy drive now - didn't have one before

    I don't get the date displayed now when I cover the time in the taskbar with the pointer 'arrow'

    Some DVDs now stutter - may try an Nvidia driver reinstall

    Using FRAPS, vsync off and the Black Death, sp2 was Min 21, Max 103, Avg 58. sp3 is Min 22, Max 171, Avg 69. I haven't altered anything else.

    Mixed feelings with this, but generally fine.

  2. Not liking a swivel chair whilst flying and not wanting to buy a new one, I was looking for a way to sit comfortably and use the pedals securely ie stop them moving about on the carpet. I tried sticking things to the pedals' base using double-sided sticky tape (I watched Blue Peter) and it worked, but it started to get messy and the non-slip stuff went into small rolls and became uneven.

    So, having already adopted a dining room chair with parachute/cushion I looked for a way to attach the pedals to the chair. After a bit of measuring and buying some offcuts from B&Q for £1, I came up with this....


    After using it for a couple of weeks it was time for some refinement



    And in place


    Nice and secure, no movement whatsoever

  3. Sorry GruppenBoss, I should have been more specific...it was during dogfight/coops that the error manifested itself.

    Aaaaargh (that's how it's spelt Carl), stop twisting my arm...

    It was ok during SEOW, probably because I didn't fire my guns.......ooops....if I had it might have been different

  4. TF for that....!

    I had a mysterious bailout in the week and put it down to me still having it programmed somewhere in the X45 stick software and forgeting it was there...had a look and couldn't find it so shrugged shoulders and left it - put it down to gremlins.

    When it happened tonight it peed me off 'cos I was shootin' the cr@p out of Akula and was having a ball... ;) I had a warning something was up because I had a brief glimpse of the "bailout" view of the plane before it went back in cockpit. Moments later I was dangling in my chute and cursing.... :huh:

    I had another look at the stick programming tonight and found the problem. As per the game some of the weapons involved the "ctrl" key - so does bailout. On the pinkie, and for all 3 modes, I have engine controls incuding the extinguisher which is keyed to "E" - operated by button 3. Without the pinkie, on modes 2 & 3, firing both weapons is keyed to "Ctrl space" and button 3.

    So, inevitably, the inevitable happened....whilst I pressed button 3 my little finger unintentionally squeezed the pinkie....and created the magic combination of ...Ctrl E.

    Needless to say my mapping has changed to avoid possible combinations and embarrassment...what a palava   

  5. Not me, my hound....realisation that he's no longer gonna get the attention now that the bike's back on the road (already caught him c@@ping near it - didn't realise when I took the picture)!!

    It's a March 2000 Triumph Sprint RS and has a 3 cylinder 955cc fuel injected, liquid-cooled engine....




    My brother took it away to do some bits and bobs on it and brought it back this morning. For those into bikes he's buying himself a KTM RC8, only just being introduced over here, pictured below...and behind the....ummmm....lady


  6. I had that iussue with BT - they were blaming my pooters and would NOT admit it was their antiquated equipment that couldn't cope. A frustrating few months that resulted in both Homehubs (1 replacement) being slung into a corner and us returning to a faultless, creamy smooth service from Telewest/Virgin. The BT engineer that visited eventually, and whom we refused to pay for, had no explanation for the useless service I was showing him. BT.....Bloody Tat.......

  7. SBD = Shipborne (Carrier-based) Bomber - Dive. A way of designating where it operates from, what it does and how it does it (not always used).

    Other examples -

    TB - Avenger, Torpedo/bomber

    P51 - Pursuit/Patrol, as in fighter/interceptor, as opposed to

    PBY - Patrol/Bomber/Consolidated(Y = designation for manufacturer)

    Interesting stuff

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