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Posts posted by Sid

  1. The small paint reservoir cylinder that clips onto the side flew off! I connected the air can to the airbrush and turned it on. I had a little spit of paint through the vent hole on the cylinder lid, then when I pushed the airbrush lever to start spraying the lid popped off, the force popping off the reservoir and sending it somewhere behind the chest freezer...where it can stay!

  2. I think we ought to have a modeller's area - hints and tips and to show off stuff, watcha think?

    This is a thread on a 1/48 scale 'Trumpeter' (as opposed to Airfix or Revell) MiG3. I haven't built a plane for years but still have some gear and the paint collection. Anyway, I have restarted this hobby and wanted to build something to try out a few techniques. I should have taken more photos but maybe next time.

    It's built 'out of the box' apart from adding a pilot figure and some finer exhausts.

    This is the cockpit under construction


    A few more bits added and the aircraft is taking shape


    Still a WIP, but now with paint and markings applied and awaiting a weathering wash, exhaust heat and smoke marks and varnishing, matt (flat) finish on the wooden areas ie, rear fuselage and wings and a satin on the metal areas.



    I intend putting it on a stand as if flying. The markings and scheme are fictional but hey, it's my MiG......

    I'll put some more up when done.


  3. The fact that the Dogz fly in the evening in the UK makes it possible for me as I would find it difficult to justify the time in the day. I will always try to get on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sunday - Sunday is set in stone, the others when work allows. I like the 'Zoo' evenings on Saturday but social stuff usual blocks that. I could fly every night if I wanted but, this is a hobby and is only one aspect of my life.

    Generally works out at about 12 - 15 hours per week if I sneak some offline stuff on off duty days too.

  4. Good read m8, thanks. By all acounts all three were lucky to get out successfully from a Gannet, and the 2 crew with broken arms appear to have escaped more serious injury being caused by the stabilisers.

    I wonder if current aircrew are told to avoid visiting pubs following trauma, just in case it affects medical treatment lol.

    It is a very distinctive aircraft isn't it. Functional, limited effort for looks due to being built around the engines? perhaps

  5. Latest software is the best.

    Sounds like the button acts like a toggle, that's latched or unlatched I think. But I thought the pinkie was only a shift?

    I was in the uninstall program area of the Win7 control panel yesterday and windows asked if I wanted to download an update from Windows for a Saitek device? Maybe that will help.

    Maybe I hit a search for updates tab? Can't remember exactly but it was there somewhere.

    Watch yerself with the update that Windows asks you if you want to download Perf. It will probably be the latest version of the Saitek drivers/software - my computer has done the same. I don't know whether you can install over the top of an existing Saitek installation, you may have to uninstall first.

    A case of, if it ain't broke......perhaps.

  6. I gave up trying to get one on ebay a while back because that is what kept happening to me - very frustrating, particularly on the fourth attempt. I put a comment on the Zoo relating to this and a number of replies came back saying that people collect them for two reasons, for spares and for selling on.

    Not bothered now as I won't have a use for it.

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