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1. DDz Quorum
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Posts posted by Sid

  1. Over the past 3-4 weeks I have accumulated various hardware in order to resolve computer issues and/or rebuild in my current case.

    This has been to no avail and I am left with items I will list later. With major house works going on I don't have the time or inclination to RMA motherboards/processors just in case they are at fault - basically I have stripped out the case apart from a hard drive and graphics cards because of a problem that couldn't be resolved and rebuilt with mobo, processor, power supply and ram....unfortunately it crashed after a day and now all I have is two fans spinning and bugger all else. I was flying last week on the original build so graphics/sound cards and some stuff is obviously fine.

    I would like to buy a new computer and get a nice long warranty.

    Items for sale are:


    2 x Nvidia GeForce 8800GTX graphics cards

    Windows7 oem single licence - new last week

    Original build - January 2008

    Asus P5N-T Deluxe Socket 775 motherboard (replacement board fitted under warranty last year)

    Asus Silent Knight II Socket 775 cpu cooler

    500gb Raptor HD, 10,000 rpm - has new install of Windows7 but would probably need reformatting

    850 watt power unit for SLI

    4gb DDR2 6800 Crucial ram - 6 months old

    8gb DDR2 1333mhz Crucial ram - 2 weeks old

    LG CD rom optical drive

    Creative soundcard

    Rebuild - new stuff bought last week

    Asus P6X58D-E LGA1366 motherboard - new

    Intel i7 960 LGA1366 quad core processor and cooling fan - new

    Corsair TX950 power unit for SLI or TriSLI - new

    6gb 1600mhz Crucial ram - new

    LG DVD rom RW etc

    LG DVD rom RW etc optical drive - new

    I am sure that there is enough bits there for someone to build a running rig.

    I would prefer to sell all in one go rather than split so, to take into account age of some components, the newness of others and the possibility of one of the boards or the processor being faulty I will sell for £600 all in.

    If interested please PM me for further details or to negotiate.


    Edited asking price

  2. My current mobo, an Asus P5N-T Deluxe , is giving me issues so I want to replace it.

    I would like a Socket 775 as I could keep the recently aquired quad core Q9650 that won't work in the Deluxe and would like to keep as many current internals if possible. However if necessary I will sell the Q9650 to get a more modern board/processor if required.

    There are many boards out there....does anyone have any advice as to reliability? I have had 2 Asus boards in 3 years, this one and a Striker Extreme.

    I have no interest in over clocking.

    Edit: Looking at this, an Asus P6X58D-E


  3. Chaps, advice please...

    I have a Co2 extinguisher which found its way home when I left my old job.

    It was last serviced in 2006 and weighed 5.5kg

    I have just weighed it and it still weighs 5.5kg

    My question is, would this still be OK to keep around the house just in case?



    Should be ok but as with anything out of it's service regime it becomes potentially unreliable. Having said that, a service for a CO2 is a weighing........not a lot else to do with it.

    A lot of people buy fire extinguishers for home and car use and they don't get serviced although it is recommended to replace it after a specified period of years. Don't know what that period is for a CO2 because they can't be bought for domestic use, home ones usually contain powder.


  4. LOL...good fine.

    What kinda of 'firehouse' is that?

    Maybe a bath house and not a firehouse?

    Lol, Redditch firehouse has a very active social calendar and usually hosts a 'beach party' themed event in the summer that is held in the garage where the pumping appliances are parked. The murals? go over the windows and give some beachy atmosphere.......

    Nice piccies Painless....thanks for sharing :rolleyes:

  5. Thanks JP, good photos. I am in awe of that location.

    Your method of indicating the glider landing locations made me chuckle...

    'This shows where glider number 3 landed (you can see it at the point of Sid's head. Just past that is where Glider 2 landed...look just to the right of Howard's bust...at Sid's eye level and you just might make out the 3rd marker)'

    sums me up perhaps....level-headed?

  6. I've seen a way to do the camo that I want to try.

    Paint the upper surfaces in the darker 'swirl' colour first. Then get some 'BluTac', roll it into thin lines and place it over the dark colour in the areas you want the swirls to end up. Spray the lighter base colour all over and then take off the BluTac. Hey presto, swirl camo with a spray on effect.......

  7. Similar types to previous ones, but with some extra ones....

    Part 1





    Mustangs..yellow nosed one looks superb


    Sea Fury







    Part 2



    Yak 3 ;) JP






    Hawker Nimrod, complete with starter truck



  8. Well, the shorts are clean so it's not Sid either. :D

    Hey!!! I resemble that remark!!

    Duxford suddenly came a whole lot closer - my son in law is showing an interest and would like to go!

    Any objections to me making him an Honorary Dogz for the day?


    As said, the more the merrier! Would be great to see you there also!!!

  9. A good selection of footage, I'm an old git and have no appreciation of the music genre whatsoever.....although it's inclusion looks like the way IL2 vids are done generally.

    The vid gave a great impression of BoB action. Lots of bombers, Spits and Hurris doing the job, Channel scenery. Never seen the action at 1:15 before, a pilot struggling to open his canopy in order to get out of his stricken aircraft. Also the He111 gunner being strafed and the 'gore' internally. Wow....

    A great effort and a great summary of our event :thumbsu:


  10. I was out on my motorbike today and went to my favourite cuppa stop - Bidford Gliding Club - it's only half an hour away and there's usually something going on. I briefly met the pilot and chatted about bikes but unfortunately I didn't realise he was the pilot 'til he got in!

    I asked him if I could take some piccies from the non-active side of the fence and he obviously agreed. He had just topped up with fuel and shortly after the pics were taken he started up, taxied to the other side of the field and waited for a glider/tug launch and a light aircraft landing before taking off. Bit distant during this and he turned away from the field when airborne :(

    The aircraft is 'G-BOZS'





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