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Posts posted by Sid

  1. It's an English Bank Holiday, it's chucking it down with rain so I'm taking the opportunity to catch up on the important things....

    For those that are familiar with the RAF banter and those that aren't, here are some examples of those commonly used by RAF personnel in wartime and, for a lot of them, present day general conversation. I appreciate that some of the definitions will require another definition but, hey, on a rainy day it's what Google is for :laughing7:

    Arse End Charlie, rear gunner

    ATTABOY, member of Air Transport Auxilliary

    Angels, height, eg. Angels 13 equals 13,000ft

    Bags of Swank, to do something with pride

    Banana Boat, aircraft carrier

    Bandit, enemy aircraft

    Bang On, to be correct

    Beer Lever, joystick

    Belly Flop, to land with undercarriage retracted

    Binding, to whine about conditions

    Binder, someone who complains unduly

    Black Outs, WAAF knickers, navy blue winter weights

    Blighty, the UK

    Blue, anything red

    Body Snatcher, stretcher bearer

    Bomphleteers, airmen engaged in leaflet drops

    Brassed Off, extremely unhappy

    Brasshats, commanding officers

    Brolly, parachute

    Bumph, useless paperwork

    Bus Driver, bomber pilot

    Canteen Cowboy, ladies' man

    Clapped Out, nearing end of useful life

    Close The Hangar Doors, stop talking 'shop'

    Cooler, guardroom

    Corker, an attractive woman

    Court a Cat, take out a girlfriend

    Deck, the ground

    Desert Lilly, urinal made from tin can

    Drink, an ocean, river or lake

    Fish Heads, the Navy

    To Remove one's Finger, to hurry or pay attention

    Fizzer, disciplinary charge

    Flaming Onions, anti aircraft tracer

    Flannel, to avoid the truth

    Flap, a chaotic event

    Frozen on the Stick, paralysed with fear

    Fruit Salad, medal ribbons

    Gardening, sowing mines in water from low height

    Gippy Tummy or 'Screaming Hab Dabs', gastroenteritis

    Goggled Goblin, night fighter pilot

    Goolies , testicles

    Goolie Chit, paper or cloth notice issued when flying over enemy territory that offers reward for safe return of pilot to nearest Allied unit

    Ground Wallah, officer who did not fly

    Gubbins, equipment

    Half Pint Hero, a boaster

    Iron Lung, Nissen hut

    Jankers, to be put on a charge for Service violation

    KRS, Kings Regulations

    Kite, aircraft

    LMF, lack of morale fibre

    Low Down, inside information

    Mahogany Spitfire, desk 'flown' by Ground Wallah or Penguin

    Old Man, squadron CO

    Catch a Packet, receive offensive fire

    Pancake, to land

    Penguin, ground officer with no operational experience

    Piece of Cake, easy target with little opposition

    Play Pussy, hide in the clouds

    Prang, to crash or to hit a target well

    Plonk, A/C 2, Aircraftsman 2, the lowest rank in the RAF

    Press on Regardless, unofficial motto of the RAF

    Quick Squirt, sharp burst of gunfire

    Rocket, a reprimand

    Sardine Tin, torpedo carrying aircraft

    Sawn Off, short

    Scrambled Eggs, gold braid on officer's hat

    Shufti, to have a look

    Silver Sausage, barrage balloon

    Spoof, a diversionary raid or operation

    Square Bashing, drill or marching

    Sprog, a 'new boy' fresh from training

    Target for Tonight, girlfriend

    Twilights, WAAF underwear, light coloured summer weights

    Vegetables, acoustic or magnetic mines

    WAAF, Woman's Auxiliary Air Force

    Wizard, Wizzo, first class, excellent

    Yellow Doughnut, collapsible dinghy

    Over and Out, radio communication completed and ended, no reply required


  2. Last night during co-ops it became clear that a lot of us mutts are getting on in years. I think that we particular section of the nation's community have a solution to some of the country's issues. Below is an open letter we could all send to Mr. Cameron:

    'Dear Mr. Cameron,

    Please find below our suggestion for fixing England 's economy.

    Instead of giving billions of pounds to banks that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan. You can call it the Grumpies Retirement Plan:

    There are about 10 million people over 50 in the work force. Pay them £1 million each severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:

    1) They MUST retire - ten million job openings - unemployment fixed

    2) They MUST buy a new British car. Ten million cars ordered - car Industry fixed

    3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage - housing crisis fixed

    4) They MUST send their kids/grandkids to school/college/university - Crime rate fixed

    5) They MUST buy £100 WORTH of alcohol/tobacco a week.....and there's your money back in duty/tax etc

    6) Instead of stuffing around with the carbon emissions trading schemes that makes us pay for the major polluters, tell the greedy bastards to reduce their pollution emissions by 75% within 5 years or we shut them down.

    And if more money is needed, make sure all members of parliament pay back their falsely claimed expenses and second home allowances.

    Other points you might consider:


    Put the pensioners in jail and the criminals in a nursing home, and then the pensioners would have access to showers, hobbies and walks. They'd also receive unlimited free prescriptions, dental and medical treatment, wheel chairs etc. They’d have constant video monitoring so if assistance was needed they’d have immediate help. Bedding would be washed twice a week, and all clothing would be washed and ironed as needed. There would be a guard to check on them every 20 minutes and staff to bring their meals and snacks to their cell.

    They would have family visits in a suite built for that purpose.

    They would have access to a library, weight room, spiritual counseling, pool and education.

    Simple clothing, shoes, slippers, PJ's and legal aid would be free, on request.

    There would be private, secure rooms for all, with an exercise outdoor yard, with gardens for anyone who felt the need to exercise.

    Each pensioner could have a PC a TV radio and daily phone calls and there would be a board of directors to hear complaints, and all guards would have a code of conduct that would have to be strictly adhered to.

    The criminals would get cold food, be left all alone and unsupervised day and night. Lights off at 8pm, and showers once a week; live in a tiny room and pay £600.00 per week without any hope of ever getting out


    During the mad cow epidemic, our government could track a single cow, born almost three years ago in Appleby, right to the stall where she slept in the county of Cumbria ? And, they even tracked her calves to their individual stalls. But they are unable to locate 125,000 plus illegal immigrants wandering around our country. Maybe we should give each illegal immigrant a cow on entry to the country.

    Yours sincerely



  3. I also don't see the need for dual boot. I have been running '46 since last September on Win7 64 bit with no issues whatsoever. Apart from updating the drivers for graphics, hardware etc. to the new OS when I installed it, the only thing I had to get for '46 was a compatible 'il2fb.exe' that was readily available off the internet. As far as I know this is no longer necessary because any of the mod packs has .exe's compatible with Win7 now.

    I only require a computer for browsing, gaming and a bit of 'Office' work and this setup works fine for me. As for free IT advice Trib, that's how most of us have survived throught the years mate!!

  4. Hope you all have a great weekend. I've not got much planned apart from laying down the final phase of decking in the garden.

    The growth of plants etc. this spring has been absolutely stunning - Nature is making her presence felt, we have masses of buds, even on newly planted apple trees. Absolutely loving the garden and the opportunities to be in it. Grand-daughter is staying over til Monday and lad is home on leave, Easter dinner will be superbly prepared and cooked tomorrow by Janie - only 1 additional guest, one of her friends who has recently moved into the area.

    Chillin' and looking forward to some co-ops at some time to round the weekend off.

    Cheerzen to you mutts and all yours.


  5. I've switched it to 8x in game and 16xQ in the nvidia control panel. Looks ok to me but what do I know...


    thats how i have mine set, but heres no way its running at 16xQ on my machine.

    1c forums are full of people saying that aa isn't working properly. It is working to a degree, but not fully for some reason.

    Is that using the 'Enhance game setting' or 'Override the game setting'?

  6. Hey, you've got an anti-aliasing option! Does it really work?

    to a degree, it isn't 8x thats for sure, more like 2 or 4 max.

    Running AA through the nvidia control panel is working well for me. I've set it to off in game and have set it at 'SLI x 8' in the nvidia panel. It has reduced the jaggies better than the game AA does but hasn't got rid of them. Doing more testing.

    been running it through that it all combos already.

    before i ran it through nvidia control panel, it didn't stick at all.

    short story, aa is broken in clod at the moment.

    Coming to that conclusion too....game always defaults to 8x and looks the same no matter what I do

    Looks nice though


  7. Hey, you've got an anti-aliasing option! Does it really work?

    to a degree, it isn't 8x thats for sure, more like 2 or 4 max.

    Running AA through the nvidia control panel is working well for me. I've set it to off in game and have set it at 'SLI x 8' in the nvidia panel. It has reduced the jaggies better than the game AA does but hasn't got rid of them. Doing more testing.

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