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1. DDz Quorum
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Everything posted by Sid

  1. Same with Janie's dad - he was in the Royal Navy and served on ships in the Arctic convoys. He was also on HMS Foxhound during the Malta convoy. Again, I didn't meet him and his children didn't record anything!
  2. Heyyyyy....was up there last week! Lady guide said that approx. 50 of the ships were raised soon after, leaving 24 on the sea bed. 2 different salvage companies got the contract but went bust, the third one got the job done. Apparently no-one was killed during the scuttling but the German sailors were shot at by the Royal Navy. Not far from here is the wreck of HMS Royal Oak, torpedoed in 1939 with massive loss of life as it capsized and sank very quick. Marked by a single green buoy. Being a slow mover It was on it's own in the flow providing gun cover for a communications site as the rest of the fleet was out on manouveres when a German submarine snuck in and sank it. First one torpedo that hit the anchor chain then another 3 that finished it. Sorry Arthur, hope I haven't hijacked.......
  3. Great stuff! Well done mate
  4. Oooo-err. All sounding verrrry good!
  5. Sid

    Good Show!

    It was good fun....cheerzen!! Still makes me chuckle though, the casual "Ooops....." crash on take off JP would still have a rant even after all these years. Reminds me of this piccie, We must be getting better 'cos some of the 'acts' don't seen so relevant now....
  6. That is brilliant...dog has it sussed, doesn't start running 'til the launcher pulls back
  7. Here's another pointless machine.....
  8. Yes...it has an attachment for that particular problem Swep. Clip one end of the 10cm long cord onto the butt plug, the other end onto a wheel spoke and then pedal.....how fast you pedal is up to you mate.
  9. Brilliant....not JPs ramble, just the fact that you gents met up! Love it
  10. I love you too JP XX Normaility? Hah....overated. Copy the 'Users' folder from the game folder. That has all your info re. controls etc. however the 'Controls' section of the game changed in 4.10 I think and added some additional controls so I'm not sure a 4.07 setup would fit. Try it anyway.
  11. A solitary Richard the Third found under a car park in Leicester........that's nothing! Where I walk the dog in Redditch I find many Richard the Third's just lying about on the path!!!
  12. Lol, that is not a good idea. I wouldn't have a car battery in the house being charged under any circumstances - having one being charged continuously could cause many problems. If it's a lead/acid type there will be fumes present continuously and there is always the risk of overheating/running dry.... To have a car battery on permanent charge in a house? Well.....it might be a good idea. Just depends on your tolerance to noxious gases produced by car batteries on charge indoors and/or the risk of fire and explosion associated with that. @Crash; just make sure you have plenty of home and personal injury insurance cover or move the rig into the garden! Touche....
  13. Jeez...some of that just isn't funny......or am I looking at it wrong
  14. That sub's huge.....forget how much is under the water when they are acting as a surface vessel
  15. I don't know how I didn't pick this up yesterday...Thank You Fen! It's......lovely......flyby at 11.13...just noise, no music or talking I hope one day it will come to Legends.....
  16. Sid

    Hey Guys

    Welcome mate! Enjoy yourself...we do!! Cheerzen Sid
  17. Sid

    Uk Airshows

    Thanks for the link Jabo - brilliant!
  18. Sorted...ordered! Well spotted. I've arranged to pick mine up from the local Debenhams store in town - according to the confirmation email the collection point is the 'Womenswear' till on the first floor. The conversation when I go and pick it up will go as follows: Nah...you boys decide how it goes. Best entry I will buy a beer at Duxford Sid
  19. Just make sure that you are letting Windows search for the networks or alternatively let your network software do it - check these settings first because that's the same problem we had with Janie's XP laptop. We let Windows do the searching and it was fine.
  20. No, silly! I'm sure he meant Verger. I met the Verger of Purley Oaks once...nice chap but is always busy in the cloister and steeple area. In fact I think he's the reason why there aren't any Virgins in Purley Oaks......
  21. :pray: I'm sure he'll come around...we all have moments of weakness.......
  22. Sid

    Happy B Day Squawk

    Hope you had a good 'un mate!!
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