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3. Danger Dogz
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Posts posted by Knight

  1. ~S~ BG - Jim

    I know ive been absent from the pound, but ive always been around lurking, im just sorry ive not been around, you helped me out a few times talking about things and i wish i could of done the same, Always enjoyed flying by your side in those co-ops and maybe one day we will again.

    Finding things to say is quite hard, but hopefully the thought of us all, thinking of you and wishing you well in everyway possible will bring you some happiness and a little smile to your face :)

    Knight out.

  2. Another update, Tagan have really surprised me, they sent a new PSU out and it arrived today by UPS express delivery from the US, also there was a £200 check along with it to say sorry....im totally impressed, not only did i get a new PSU, but one of their top of the line PSU units Tagan PipeRock 1300w Modular..which inturn means im back and running sort of lol.

  3. thanks for the offer OT, but ive still got 4gb left after losing 2 of my 2gb sticks, once i get the new psu ill be back and running....im still fuming about the PSU and i will be getting on Tagans case about it, as this type of failure shouldnt happen, and if it does there should be some sort of protection of my computer internals in their warrenty if one of Their PSU's blows and causes other things to die..

    I guess this thread could be closed as ill be up and running Monday, Tuesday the latest...was just annoyed had to vent somewhere and explain my absense :)

  4. Ok first let me say, Wow, wasnt expecting these kind offers. Now we have some good news.

    Good news, after much looking over things, i havent lost as much as i originally thought, what ive lost i.e blown is as follows

    1 HD4890 1gb card - still have 1 left from crossfire

    2 sticks of memory

    1 HDD - thankfully not the one with IL-2 on it lol

    And obviously the damned blasted stupid thing PSU!!!!!!!

    Ive got no idea how ive got away with just those losses, at the moment this computer with the remaining bits working are running off a 350W PSU, which quite frankly is crap and old and i dont want to stress it and risk losing more.

    slight bad news, ive gotta wait for a replacement PSU and ill be up and running again, albeit a bit underpowered from what im used to, but at least ill be back. new PSU should be with me by monday or tuesday.

    So thanks for the offers guys, but as you can see, it would appear ive been slightly lucky that 50% of the computer survived.

  5. Ok first let me say, Wow, wasnt expecting these kind offers. Now we have some good news.

    Good news, after much looking over things, i havent lost as much as i originally thought, what ive lost i.e blown is as follows

    1 HD4890 1gb card - still have 1 left from crossfire

    2 sticks of memory

    1 HDD - thankfully not the one with IL-2 on it lol

    And obviously the damned blasted stupid thing PSU!!!!!!!

    Ive got no idea how ive got away with just those losses, at the moment this computer with the remaining bits working are running off a 350W PSU, which quite frankly is crap and old and i dont want to stress it and risk losing more.

    slight bad news, ive gotta wait for a replacement PSU and ill be up and running again, albeit a bit underpowered from what im used to, but at least ill be back. new PSU should be with me by monday or tuesday.

    So thanks for the offers guys, but as you can see, it would appear ive been slightly lucky that 50% of the computer survived.

  6. Hey fellas, ive had a serious computer failure today, it would seem that the power supply has blown something internal and as such has taken everything else with it, leaving me with nothing but an expensive paper weight, i will endevour to get back up and running as soon as its possible, but its alot of money to start replacing stuff, Tagan, the makers of my PSU, will replace the PSU, but wont reimburse for the loss of everything else, and none of the other things are covered under the warrenties for this type of failure.

    Again im sorry to leave ya again, but at least this time its not what i want. Ill check in every now and then on my phone but thats all i have left :(

  7. Hey fellas, ive had a serious computer failure today, it would seem that the power supply has blown something internal and as such has taken everything else with it, leaving me with nothing but an expensive paper weight, i will endevour to get back up and running as soon as its possible, but its alot of money to start replacing stuff, Tagan, the makers of my PSU, will replace the PSU, but wont reimburse for the loss of everything else, and none of the other things are covered under the warrenties for this type of failure.

    Again im sorry to leave ya again, but at least this time its not what i want. Ill check in every now and then on my phone but thats all i have left :(

  8. That was good work knight :) Shame that you can still hear our favorite commentator :( Hows the sunburn doing?

    yea the commentator is one annoying git, as for trying to edit it out, not gonna happen lol but the sounds more than make up for it, as for the sunburn lol, well lets say i still look like a lobster, it just seems to get more red as the hours pass lol.

    All my videos were taken on my mobile phone btw.

  9. That was good work knight :) Shame that you can still hear our favorite commentator :( Hows the sunburn doing?

    yea the commentator is one annoying git, as for trying to edit it out, not gonna happen lol but the sounds more than make up for it, as for the sunburn lol, well lets say i still look like a lobster, it just seems to get more red as the hours pass lol.

    All my videos were taken on my mobile phone btw.

  10. Ok heres my little videos, quality isnt that good to be honest as its from my mobile phone, but the sound is pretty good.

    Hopefully these are good enough to watch or even just listen.

    B17 With P40

    Bouchon and P40 Taxing

    2 Seat Sea Fury - Joker

    Balbo First Pass

    Balbo Second Pass minus the B25's

    Balbo Third Pass

    Balbo Trio Groups With Break for Landing Final

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