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Posts posted by Highlander

  1. :) :)

    I happen to live near American Aero Services. They have become home base to the bombers of the Collings Foundation. There is the B17 909, the B24 Witchcraft and the B25 Tondelayo all of which are airworthy. On top of that they have a Goodyear Corsair, and are restoring a A36 Apache for the Collings foundation. Next Saturday is their open house and I will post some pics of all the planes.

    If I can come up with $425 I might even go for a ride the the B17.



  2. :take_one:

    Except that the ones that I work with would just stop it up. I am now just getting time to check my email and look over the forums. The evil bastards at work will not allow me access to the net, only to the messed up drawlings that I have to interpet to do my job :soapbox: I hope to make it to more Tuesday and Thursday Coops soon.

  3. :help: ~S~ all I have returned from my little trip up north. I had some family duties to attend to. On my flight to Philly, we were cruising at about 36,000 feet. I noticed that there was another jet traveling in the same direction at our 11 o'clock about 1 to 1.5 miles away, THEN A Southwest 737 flew right between the two of us. About 15 mins later a Delta707 flew between us. I have never seen a jet flying in the opposite direction that close before and to have it happen twice in the same flight was really strange. Has anyone had this happen to them?
  4. :help: ~S~ all I have returned from my little trip up north. I had some family duties to attend to. On my flight to Philly, we were cruising at about 36,000 feet. I noticed that there was another jet traveling in the same direction at our 11 o'clock about 1 to 1.5 miles away, THEN A Southwest 737 flew right between the two of us. About 15 mins later a Delta707 flew between us. I have never seen a jet flying in the opposite direction that close before and to have it happen twice in the same flight was really strange. Has anyone had this happen to them?
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