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3. Danger Dogz
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Posts posted by BadAim

  1. I'm quite conflicted about all this. I really do think the new jets and stuff will be fun, I do like the old school jets, but on the other hand I'd have liked to see more historical planes (I won't even go into the whole Grumman thing, that just pisses me off).

  2. I had an incident today with a bios flash, that I'm pretty sure is fatal but I thought I might check in to see if anyone has any ideas, since I cant even order a replacement chip from Asus until Monday. I already pulled out the cmos battery and shorted the clock jumper, but all to no avail, no post, no nuthin. Is there yet hope? I really doubt that Il2 will run well on my laptop and my business manager will make me sleep on the couch if I try to put it on the work computer! I'm going into withdrawls, oh the pain :P

  3. I'd sure count on a near universal upgrade, I was on Historia last night and even those guy's were excited about the new stuff! I doubt there will be a lot of holdouts, except those who really can't afford it.

  4. I've been using 300 (both cannon and MG) for a long time, with experiments at various other distances but have not found anything else to work any better. Since my main plane is the 109, convergence is less important. I always fly and chase in wide view and then zoom in some for shooting ( I have all FOV's mapped to the slider on my x52) I only use high zoom's for target search and recognition (I also found, like many others, that I was shooting terribly at the higher FOV's) and to check on which way a target is turning when we get separated (this is really handy!). I have Machine guns mapped to the first stage on my trigger and cannons on the second stage.

  5. Yah, yah Tersday goot. Oh by the way, just as an Idea to trow aboot, I was thinking a two hour time limit might be better,say two two hour missions (even 1 1/2hr ) and a one hour backup in case the other two go too fast, that might let the scenario play out a bit more fully ( is that a word?), one hour just doesn't seem like enough, especially with the new format. ~S~

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