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Posts posted by Enforcer57

  1. I saw teh zombie mode at a friends house as he indulged online. Kinda reminded me of us flying (screaming) in a SEOW when things are not going well. I noticed that the BAR was the most effective weapon, and that aiming wiht short bursts (as I recommended) seemed to work better than spraying and praying.

    I really wanted to see the regular combat though. They were too into the zombie stuff. I thought it rather funny. Nailing the boards back over the windows was kinda "outer limits".

    They just kept coming. :riot:

  2. Yeah, I saw htat on CNN to, and I noticed that Simon guy actually got serious for once, though I haven't watched it in a couple of yrs.

    Any recording co that doesn't try to get her is nuts. People usually listen to music anyway, rather than look at it. So she's not up to music videos, big deal. I'll still listen to her.

  3. Yeah, I know realplsyer is supposed to, and it worked fine for yrs on my old cmputer, but now the free version (10.5) apparenlty has that deleted and only plays stuff. Ive got scores of stuff from utube etc that i recorded with it easily, as a window would pop up asking if i wanted to, or I could just put the web addy in it and clikc record.

    well it doesnt do thta any more on my new computer or my old one since it crashed. Ive spent several hrs today trying to find any reference to said capability (like a record command), but there just isnt one anymore. I was somewhat surprised. I tried ver 10.5.


    I have dnloaded a couple of others that are free, but the help files are the usual useless nonsense in Klingon and assume you already know how it works. This is one that looked very promising and appeared simple enought to actually work.......good luck with that.


    When i searched teh "help" files for "recording videos", it just gave me a list of videos with NO Fracking mention of how to do it. Yeah, the little buttons are simple etc, but they are deceptive.

    Buttons dont work, or a htey wont save, etc.

    I need this for my tech school class as there are links to utube vids that make up the course and I don't always have time to just keep them on screen.

  4. yeah, drones are taking on alot more of the dangerous (and non-PC) attack misns, and have a larger

    role in future airpower. One must keep in mind that they have thier limits, and wont be able to completely replace manned AC completely. Drones will, in my opinion, be used as a compliment, and as a weapon used from manned AC.

    I know that F-14s were due for replacment, but I still maintain it was way too premature, especially considering the capability of hte recently modified Bs and the new Ds, which had alot of time left on them. They were retired before their replacement (whatever it is) was available. and I meant its use in 2003, not 93.

    It was also pretty stupid to scrap nearly all the Bs and Ds simply to keep Iran fromgetting any of thier parts. that was pretty stupid and speaks for itself.

  5. that was a highly modified machine with a PW 3300, I think. Had clipped wings and a streamlined canopy. I really wish they would not race these machines or modify them anymore. Like modifying a Jag XKE for nascar racing.

  6. OK, i know this is goofy, and probably the strangest offtopic question ever asked here. but my tech school assignment requires we log into their site using

    a username that includes the number 29 UNDERLINED, that allows us in to make our own

    names/pw. I know in word that you can just push a button to underline stuff, but this is a

    web site.

    Ive tried to many hrs now using every

  7. Yeah, the F and E models are vastly improved over the C and D, but it still doesn't

    have alot of the capabilities of the B and D model Tomcats that had new radar

    and systems installed along with thier new engines (40% thrust increase and amazing new radar).

    The 14 still has the longest range radar in any of our fighters, and it's far more reliable and

    cost effective with the new stuff than the old A models. They also can do considerable ground attack

    missions as they did in 93, though it is still primarily a fighter.

    The only reason the navy gave for its retirement was

    purely costs, and those were decreased by the new equipment. It certainly was

    gonna need replacing soon, but the Super Hornets are not it. They will have to

    do for the next 20 yrs though, and are certainly capable machines that are very

    competitive in air to air.

    Gonna be a while before the Super Hornets can reliably kill you at 100+ miles.

    The Ds especially had a huge amount of time left on them before they would

    need major airframe work. The Bs already had it done.

    The Super hornets are great fighter and attack AC, but they still lack much of

    what the F-14 oculd do in its laters versions.

    I kinda doubt the long range version of the Aim-120 will make it into production,

    but I could be wrong. I hope I am.

    IIN any event, we are gonna be a bit more hardpressed when taking on well

    flown planes like SU-30s amd Mig-35s with vectored thrust, much less European

    and Chinese machines (like J-10) that are loaded with new tech and capability.

    I was a freshman and sophore in high school when the F16,15, F-14A, flew (72-74)

    and the F-18 was just a concept plane known as the P-530. I am 52 yrs old now.

    I know these planes are upgraded and far superior to what the first ones were

    (though the 15 and 16 really haven't changed that much), but to have only

    one 5th generation "light" fighter in production

  8. Yeah, I hate the damn censorship to, but.......

    And no, there is no mrs.....thankfully, which is why I get to do this kinda stuff.

    Last I heard, we had a civil war that resulted in the abolition of slavery. However,

    most chicks never heard of that. She finally got rid of the silly ass BF that had

    really screwed up priorities and dumped her because she actually associated with

    other guys (like her photographer...I feel so guilty).

    Not bad for 35, huh? No kiddies either....rare.

  9. Well I wasnt flying last sat night, but I thought you guys would understand if you saw this.

    I assume most of you at

    one time or another saw the shot I took in my studio of the rather HOT chick holding the

    model of the Spit mkV in a strategic place some time ago. Well, she showed up and wanted me to print some

    of those and make her some more...........

    This was a ....um, 'test' shot btw (appropriately censored).


    I just wanted you guys who were there with the col to understand ..........that you were

    the last damn thing on my mind, and besides, a pro photog always responds when he

    is called. Im sure most of you can forgive my being AWOL.

    And I actually get paid to do this.....sometimes. It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it.

  10. Yeah, those things kick everybody's ass they go up against. And yes, you can count on it (and

    all other modern combat AC) being hardened against EMP.

    As good as it is, it was still stupid to take the F-117 out of service assuming the F-22 is gonna

    be able to do its job of selective ground attack on dangerous targets. While it no doubt can, the

    small numbers we are gonna have (less than 200 probably) mean they probalby will be busy doing

    air to air stuff.

    I keep hoping Ill see one since I live 60 miles from Lockheed. A freind of mine does planning

    on the assembly line and is still amazed at teh stuff he keeps seeing on this machine.

  11. Wow, thanx guys. That Mplayer is incredible. I just watched the first part of "The Hunters"

    on it and its amazingly clear and loud. Nearly blew my brains out with my headset when I started

    the player. Man that was loud.

    Screw media player, this thing is much better as far as Im concerned. Looked great

    when the movie started with that neat theme music and the F-86Fs on the ramp

    heating up.

    I am gonna get a couple more just to have backups. I really appreciate the help.

    I still can't figure why my paid version of Nero 6 wont play anything on any computer. It worked

    great on both for a couple of yrs, as did media player. I hope it still burns CDs.

    Still loading all sorts of stuff on both of those things. My room lo0ks like the bridge of the

    starship Enterprise.

    Here's your reward. Sorry I can't post the "good" ones here. And yes, I took the photo

    in my humble studio. I'm quite good at such....no brag, just fact, as Will Sonnet used

    to say.


  12. Ok, dumb question, but Ive got a new cmputer quaz got going after a long war with

    the gremlins that plague me with technically impossible shit, and he also got my old one going agian

    after a mod dnload site (since abandoned) poisoned it. (no affiliation with AAA btw).

    Now windows media player wants all sorts of secret codes that apparently Ive

    gotta exchange my left testicle for (dont' get to use it, but it's a good souvenir), and

    my paid version of Nero no longer wants to function despite my paying for it

    a few yrs ago......just looks at me when I try to use it. Yeah, I got the number for

    it, but it doesn't matter.

    Ive found all sorts of "free" dvd players online, but I am a bit weary of going to these

    places after havng two computers get clobbered after no problems for four yrs.

    Anyway, I can't even get any movies to play etc (I have to watch "the Hunters" at least

    once a month). Said advice would be appreciated.

    BTW, I can get back to work finishing my post war cmpn now.

  13. Heh heh DT, you woulda loved living in the Atlanta area, like I did when I worked at Lockheed

    in the 80s.

    This has been proclaimed since the fifties, but the one thing limiting it is the skill level needed.

    You still gotta be a pilot, regardless of what they had in the Back to the Future movies.

    Pretty neat toy though. Impressive tech.

  14. As long as they dont cut the spars or let it rust to death, it can always be restored again....if it's properly housed inside. I wish I could have seen it, but I know from experience that it's tuff to keep such large planes in service at museums. I was part of a small museum once that flew the only C-119 in the airshow circuit-used money for gas.

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