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Posts posted by Painless

  1. ~S~ Carl, sorry if that came across a little "direct" M8 LOL

    Its just that there has to be a cut off point when being "tolerant"of all peoples and cultures goes out of the window. When bombs are exploding 70 miles from where my kids sleep ,(London) I get a little bit pissed off at those responsable for AND those who support such actions!!

    Great thread BTW JP, very interesting to learn a little more about the way the guys in the squad think ! ;)

    ~S~ Painless

  2. ~S~ Chaps,

    I don't like to get up onto my high horse and ridicule other peoples or religions because like most of us I only know what the media machine tells me..........I could have it all wrong, I may be jumping on a misinformed western band wagon.........but.....


    Just a fathers point of view ;) peace brothers.

    ~S~ Painless

  3. ~S~ BF chaps, I also enjoyed counting the holes in my wings !! LOL

    You guys DO what we know we should be doing, forming up and flying as wingmen 2 ship, 4 ship whatever.

    All of us noticed and many commented on ,(including myself), the fact that as soon as we damaged or killed one of your guys someone would be straight on our six, often 2 or 3 of you.

    I've been banging on about flying as wingmen/sections for as long as I can remember but for a normal squad coop you can get away without it usually. NOT SO against another bunch who know what they are doing ! ;)

    So thank you for making that obvious and maybe ,(like we have before on occasions), our guys might actually want to TRAIN in sections !! lmao (fat chance) ;)

    ~S~ Painless

    PS: had a great 1 vs 1 fight with one of you guys, (I was in a Spit and you were in a 109) , you were smoking but still flying low and slow brilliantly until I ran out of ammo and broke off. You posted "~S~ Spit" but my reply was trampled. ~S~ to you to sir whoever you were.

  4. ~S~ Dazza M8,

    so you want to play BOB huh ? Beautifully rendered Spitfires coursing across a virgin blue sky shooting the Hun from our sovereign airspace, ohhhhh suits you sir !! ;)

    Yeah quite keen on the idea myself LOL

    Also watched "Flags" and "letters" back to back and loved them both.

    FLAGS: Found the portrayal of the politicians of the day to be very believable.

    LETTERS: Felt sorry for the Japanese foot soldier who was brutalised into subservience.

    Nice to hear from you again Dazza :)

    Cheers, ~S~ Painless

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