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Posts posted by Painless

  1. ~S~ DT,

    Two small points, (excuse the pun ).....

    1/. Who balls would you particularly like to "volly" ?

    2/. You would like to bring Kelly, (JP) :huh:??:huh:

    The English language can be such a mine field right !! LMAO

    Not to worry M8, "just hit your flaps and he'll fly right by " ;)

    ~S~ Shameless.

  2. ~S~ DT,

    Two small points, (excuse the pun ).....

    1/. Who balls would you particularly like to "volly" ?

    2/. You would like to bring Kelly, (JP) :huh:??:huh:

    The English language can be such a mine field right !! LMAO

    Not to worry M8, "just hit your flaps and he'll fly right by " ;)

    ~S~ Shameless.

  3. ~S~ Chaps,


    Sounds like you did the Dogz proud ;)

    Absolutely gutted here that my poxy connection decided to grind to a virtual halt 3 hours before match start.

    After many phone calls to India I managed to get frigging no where !!

  4. ~S~ chaps, thanks for your comments, I have an electrician M8 at work who I have asked to come have a look see.

    He said that it could be an intermittent leakage to earth or some bloody thing !!

    Anyway he can't get round until next week so fingers crossed for Sunday

  5. ~S~ Chaps,

    does anyone know why my bloody MCBs trip out in the house from time to time?(usually when I'm in the middle of flying !!)

    It happens several times in a row with a different a MCB being the cause each time for a few days then its fine for weeks sometimes ??

    I even had it happen when no one is in and nothing much is being used .

    Any thoughts ??

    ~S~ Painless

  6. ~S~ Prop pitch is always a good conversation point with the wife if there is nothing on the TV !!! LMAO

    This is what we came up with over a hot chocolate beverage for those who are unsure......

    100% = fine pitch= high engine revs =easier overheat= rads open more=drag, (but often gives optimum level flight performance).

    95% and lower=coarser pitch=lower engine revs=less overheat=rads open less =less drag.

    Lower % prop pitch gives more torque loading on engine which is why revs fall.

    Drag is exponential with speed so its best to have rads open when going relatively slowly IE; climbing or at the slowest point of a turn or loop if possible.

    Shutting rads in a dive is good for speed but conversely opening them in a dive can cool the engine nicely IF you have

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