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Posts posted by Painless

  1. ~S~ Mr Pooka Sir !!

    Bloody hell Pook , remind me to be especially respectful to you next time we are on TS Sir LOL ;)

    You looked mean when you were young and nothing much has changed !! LOL

    I would like to see one of you smiling so I can relax a little ! ;)

    Cheers M8,

    ~S~ Painless

  2. ~S~ Dave, yup I had just done a couple of hours of building the Titanic as it happens ! LOL

    Its an incredible kit but will take forever to finnish.

    Final coat of varnish would look better silk or satin finnish btw, this gives a scale "shine".

    ~S~ Glueless

  3. ~S~ Dave, yup I had just done a couple of hours of building the Titanic as it happens ! LOL

    Its an incredible kit but will take forever to finnish.

    Final coat of varnish would look better silk or satin finnish btw, this gives a scale "shine".

    ~S~ Glueless

  4. ~S~ Nick,

    Hope your feeling a little better now after your "gut rot" weekend M8 ;)

    "Dry brushing" is great for highlighting,(instrument panels), as is "wash painting" for lowlighting, (panel lines) but you already know that by the looks of things.

    Obviously wash painting can be dodgy because it involves thinners but you can get around that by spraying a coat of varnish before hand and allowing a couple of days to dry.

    Did you re carve the panel lines where seems required rubbing down ?

    I think you have found a new "special friend" amongst the DDz M8........"Nice work M8, you have a nice feel for drybrushing, perfect for aircraft."

    BA you sly old dog , that was subtle !!!! LMAO ;)

  5. ~S~ Nick,

    Hope your feeling a little better now after your "gut rot" weekend M8 ;)

    "Dry brushing" is great for highlighting,(instrument panels), as is "wash painting" for lowlighting, (panel lines) but you already know that by the looks of things.

    Obviously wash painting can be dodgy because it involves thinners but you can get around that by spraying a coat of varnish before hand and allowing a couple of days to dry.

    Did you re carve the panel lines where seems required rubbing down ?

    I think you have found a new "special friend" amongst the DDz M8........"Nice work M8, you have a nice feel for drybrushing, perfect for aircraft."

    BA you sly old dog , that was subtle !!!! LMAO ;)

  6. ~S~ Chaps, excellent "yank tank" pics, they have a style all of their own don't they.

    Bloody hell Pooka, you look like one mean dude in that photo !! LOL

    I hope you mellowed a bit during your time as a sheriff ?? ;)

    BG , you are doing your "stud on both sides of the Atlantic" pose there right ?? LOL ;)

    ~S~ Painful

  7. ~S~ Chaps, excellent "yank tank" pics, they have a style all of their own don't they.

    Bloody hell Pooka, you look like one mean dude in that photo !! LOL

    I hope you mellowed a bit during your time as a sheriff ?? ;)

    BG , you are doing your "stud on both sides of the Atlantic" pose there right ?? LOL ;)

    ~S~ Painful

  8. ~S~ Nick, very nice M8, not enough spilt paint and glue on the table though !! LOL ;)

    MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Tempest, comming soon from a "carrot cruncher" near you ! LOL

    Looks like we have yet another multi talented Dog in the kennel sir !

    ~S~ Painless

  9. ~S~ Nick, very nice M8, not enough spilt paint and glue on the table though !! LOL ;)

    MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Tempest, comming soon from a "carrot cruncher" near you ! LOL

    Looks like we have yet another multi talented Dog in the kennel sir !

    ~S~ Painless

  10. ~S~ Beepbop, ok great !

    Its the La7 that I really need to learn in particular, this being for JO TopGun competitions.

    I am often off on Mondays and Tuesdays also .

    What time zone are you in sir ?

    I am GMT if you didn't already know.

    Thank you for your kind offer, it's one that I will take you up on :)

    GK, no worries M8, lets see what we can arrange.

    ~S~ Speedless.

  11. ~S~ Beepbop, ok great !

    Its the La7 that I really need to learn in particular, this being for JO TopGun competitions.

    I am often off on Mondays and Tuesdays also .

    What time zone are you in sir ?

    I am GMT if you didn't already know.

    Thank you for your kind offer, it's one that I will take you up on :)

    GK, no worries M8, lets see what we can arrange.

    ~S~ Speedless.

  12. ~S~ Beepbop sir,

    Those circuits look awesome.

    I would still love to be taught by your good self, how to get the best out of a plane for racing purposes.

    Its an area of this sim that I still really suck at !! LOL :-\

    I am also working on Sat but look forward to spending a bit of time learning from you soon.

    ~S~ Painless.

  13. ~S~ Beepbop sir,

    Those circuits look awesome.

    I would still love to be taught by your good self, how to get the best out of a plane for racing purposes.

    Its an area of this sim that I still really suck at !! LOL :-\

    I am also working on Sat but look forward to spending a bit of time learning from you soon.

    ~S~ Painless.

  14. ~S~ DT,

    Know where your comming from M8 !! ;)

    The mood your in really affects your flying amongst many other things.

    If you've had a crap day you can end up flying for the WRONG reasons....revenge on the human race is NOT a good one !!! LMAO.

    Also of course other pilots agendas can affect your time in the virtual skies, it all depends who's there and what they are trying to achieve.

    That goes for both friendly AND enemy.

    Having more than one string to your bow helps which I know you have in as much as you love the mission building side of things.

    It doesn't all have to be about getting great scores all of the time right.

    You would have to be a sad git if thats all you were interested in.

    I have enjoyed just flying around on a sunset map, just admiring the graphics before now !! LOL

    The best thing for me is a sporting "joust" with a like minded pilot, that just can't be beat !! LOL

    ~S~ Painless

  15. ~S~ DT,

    Know where your comming from M8 !! ;)

    The mood your in really affects your flying amongst many other things.

    If you've had a crap day you can end up flying for the WRONG reasons....revenge on the human race is NOT a good one !!! LMAO.

    Also of course other pilots agendas can affect your time in the virtual skies, it all depends who's there and what they are trying to achieve.

    That goes for both friendly AND enemy.

    Having more than one string to your bow helps which I know you have in as much as you love the mission building side of things.

    It doesn't all have to be about getting great scores all of the time right.

    You would have to be a sad git if thats all you were interested in.

    I have enjoyed just flying around on a sunset map, just admiring the graphics before now !! LOL

    The best thing for me is a sporting "joust" with a like minded pilot, that just can't be beat !! LOL

    ~S~ Painless

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