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Posts posted by Painless

  1. ~S~ ,

    Reminds me of a story in one of J Douglas Harvey's books...

    A young lad aircrewman was introduced to the mess early in his flying career, and in his enthusiasm to impress his elder fellows, he over-indulged.

    He was encouraged to vent his digestive tract in the bathroom, where a comrade encouraged him: "Keep puking it up until you see a brown ring, lad. Then, pick that up and swallow it again. It's your arsehole."


    ~S~ Ringless

  2. ~S~ Pooka M8,

    I am also thinking of getting a new widescreen monitor.

    Klinger has a nice Samsung 22" which looks superb.

    It has come down a bit in price since he bought his and is now around £200 for the latest version.

    All the specs are VERY good with a 2 ms response time etc.

    All he had to do was put a little piece of script into the "conf ini" to make the picture fill the screen without an oval shaped gunsight.

    My 21" flat screen monitor would then move across to the old computer to replace the 19"CRT.

    Klingers 22" widescreen really is excellent to fly on M8 !!

    Good luck Pook.

    ~S~ Painless

  3. ~S~ You loony bastages,

    Siobhan, my lovely red headed wife, (who has not got excess body hair, testicles or a penis BTW) ,often sits down with me and reads this forum, especially if its a funny thread .

    Last night , I assume because of all the gay and butt references , she walks into the lounge with a 10 inch strap on attached, looks me in the eye and says........"is this what you want sweetie ?

    What could I do :huh:

  4. ~S~ Bbloke,

    I just spoke to Klinger on the phone and his computer has crashed completely.

    He fitted all of his new bits except the Graphics card then tried a bit of clocking.

    All went black and he says he may be a bit late for tonight's flying. :(

    He asked me to let folks know because he obviously can't get on line at the moment.

    ~S~ Painless

  5. ~S~ Fine Fellows.


    Its been a great year for sure, Duxford was the best weekend of the year for me !

    I just wish it was possible for us ALL to get together in person for a weekend of beer and aeroplanes on a grand scale one of these fine days !!

    JP M8, just how many rooms does your hotel have ?? (hint hint) LOL ;)

    Health and happiness to you guys and anyone you love !! :)

    ~S~ MichaelCainseviltwin.

  6. ~S~ Chaps,

    Excellent pics thanks for sharing !

    @ Greenstreaks, You to have a beautiful Red Headed wife !!

    Man you look like a tough bugger !! LOL

    @ BadAim M8, you don't !!! LMAO ;)

    @ Pete, does that device above your head help keep your hair "spiky" :huh: LOL

    @ Psycho, looks like you had a fantastic holiday, your body must have gone through lots of extreme heat cycles !!

  7. ~S~ Chaps,

    Dam good information all of it ! (nice table SkyPup) ;)

    Bucky M8, yup thats what "Dirty" is alright , "Clean" being gear up/flaps up.

    The "clean" stall speed gets faster the higher you go until it matches the maximum possible forward speed of the aircraft.

    This is by definition the planes "ceiling"

    This maximum forward/level speed,(usually quoted @ sea level), gets slower as you go over a certain altitude.

    This is because the engine likes "thick" air LOL

    Thus , on a graph drawn with clean stall speed , max forward speed, and altitude, you end up with a flight "Envelope"

  8. ~S~ Delta, nice post M8, you just about covered everything :)

    oldtimer sir, you raised the only other thing I would add M8 !! Excellent LOL

    "Dirty" stall speed is very important to know for each aircraft type.

    As you know it's the minimum speed at which the bloody thing will fly so its useful for both take off and landing.

    Equally important for a trouble free take off is knowing at what speed the tail wheel will lift with the trim settings you have selected.

    This is even more important when you have your tailwheel locked because being locked, the tailwheel will not allow all of the yaw movement due to the Torque and "P" factor until the moment it lifts off the ground !

    At this point if you have too much rudder input then the resultant snap yaw will induce pitch change and may result in a bent prop or worse !

    The way to counter this is to watch your speed and ease off on your rudder input just before the tail wheel lifts..... easy ! LOL

    Hope thats useful .

    ~S~ Painless

  9. ~S~ Psycho M8, impressive work my man !!

    I , like many of the chaps,have a vested interest in X52 longevity and troubleshooting.

    Thanks for the excellent pics.

    About time you bit the bullet and flew with pedals isn't it M8 :huh: LOL

    ~S~ Painless

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