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Posts posted by Painless

  1. ~S~ Bucky, I love the challenge of formation flying M8.

    In case you haven't seen it here is a link to "Flying Fecktards" in our vault.


    It was Kilnger and myself learning to fly aerobatics in Tempests.

    We had Pooka, Guitarman, BG all show up for a couple of practice sessions but in the end it would need a huge effort and lots of practice hours to get more than two pilots synchronised .

    Kling made a MOVIE of a reasonable run through a routine so it could be viewed by anyone without the game being installed.

    I am up for practicing combat or aerobatic formation flying anytime. :)

    Would love to form a DDz team.

    There is no better way to improve your aircraft control, SA and concise comms.

    ~S~ Paintard.

    PS, PLEASE don't do that horrible skin thing on a Spit M8 ! I felt off colour all morning because of that ! LOL ;)

  2. ~S~ Chaps, managed to get things set up including a new graphics driver with allot of help from Klinger, (for which I'm very grateful :))

    I made a few mistakes during the day which thankfully Kling put right, thank heavens for M8s !

    Also put in the conf ini script so all looks fantastic now.

    Have to run "High" for both ground detail and ground lighting instead of "Excellent" to get things smooth and thats with the Radion X1950 pro card , 2GB RAM, Dual core.

    ~S~ Painless

  3. ~S~

    HA HA HA !! you guys are rough diamonds!! Cheers for the death/well wishes ! LOL

    No that guy in the pic is not my brother just one of the chaps serving with me and 14 other total loonies on Blue Watch.

    His "name" is "Shrek" and he is also ex RAF and slightly unhinged! LOL

    ~S~ Painintheass

  4. ~S~ Chaps, why thank you kind sirs !!

    Still got to make 47 , three days to go, (never count your chickens and all that ;) )

    Hoping to get dosh from folks then I can spend it on computer things !

    Maybe an off the shoulder number for the summer ay BG, what colours are going to go with Canada in ! LOL

    ~S~ Ageless

    BTW , this is what happened the last time someone called me an "old fart"

    Thats right , I was horribly murdered ! ;)



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