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Posts posted by Painless

  1. ~S~ Chaps, maybe you are right and he was being foolish. :-\

    Only thing that got me thinking was the fact that he attempted the same runway at the same airport and made it stick minutes later.

    That plus the obvious fact that if the plane piles in, he dies to ?

    Guess we won't know until all the facts come out.

    I wonder just how often the findings from subsequent inquires about such events are kept from, or "softened" for, the air travelling public

  2. ~S~ GK,

    The guy on the ladder climb was pretty good but the driver braked way too early !!!! LOL ;)

    Seriously, they would all be put on "unsatisfactory performance in need of further training" for not shouting the correct drill commands . Right Sid ? LMAO

    Nice one M8.

    ~S~ Painless

  3. ~S~ Chaps,

    Went to the Royal Marines Museum in Portsmouth today as we do at work once a year for a fire safety inspection.

    Got chatting to the health and safety/tour guide chap who is an ex Royal Marine Commando himself.

    Apparently the word "commandos" is the Boer* word for terrorist !

    Didn't know that :-\

    ~S~ Painless

    *"The Boer War" was fought from 11 October 1899 until 31 May 1902, between the British Empire and its independent colonies of Australia, Canada and New Zealand and the two independent Boer republics of the Orange Free State and the South African Republic (Transvaal Republic).

  4. ~S~ Dave, not sure if Pooka/ OB/ Bucky have any tracks, I didn't think to record any :-\ Hands were shaking most of the time LOL

    I was in the best 1 vs 1 dogfight I've EVER experienced. It was with Pooka in that bloody I 185 ! We got a cheer from the guys at the end. The fight went through B&Z to energy fighting to angles fighting to T&B to discontinuous stall fighting seamlessly. I'll never forget it ;)

    OB IS awesome in that P63 , I don't know how the hell he does it against La7s and such.

    Its only the Qualifying Saturday which is dogfighting, the Sunday is all about aircraft control/ground handling and racing. The P63 excels at that which is why a smart guy like OB uses it LOL ;)

    ~S~ Painless

  5. ~S~ Fellow Dogz,

    Lady luck had alot to do with how things went chaps. It was a long event,(9 hours Saturday, 6 hours Sunday), and a real roller coaster of fortune.

    The main thing is as Sid pointed out , 3 of the top 4 four slots went to us DDz !!! :knight:

    We also now have 3 x "Top Gun" trophies in our DDz cabinet, ( 2 for OB and 1 for me :)).

    Had a long chat with Fifties, (the JO Director) after the competition and he said how impressed he was with the DangerDogz squad for using Joint-Ops in the way that has always been intended.

    OB, Pooka, Bucky !!S!!


    PS, GK, finalists planes.......Painless La7

  6. ~S~ Pete M8,

    I to hope for you brothers safe return ! I have the greatest of respect for all the guys and gals who do our fighting for us.

    One of my best friends on Blue watch has just started a one year sabbatical to go to Afghanistan for a six month tour later this year. He is in the territorial SAS and is an ex Royal Marine Commando.

    I'll be hoping they both make it back OK sir.

    ~S~ Mick.

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