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Posts posted by Painless

  1. ~S~ Chaps,

    Thought I would share this with ya'll at the risk of boring you to death....

    Went for a little flight in a C42 light aircraft with a M8 yesterday and he let me fly it most of the way :)

    We flew from Poppham airfield down to my home town of Waterlooville and over my house ! LOL

    Had to descend to 1700ft from the perscribed 2000ft because of low cloud.

    It was pretty bumpy compared to a 747 !





  2. ~S~ BA M8,

    I have noticed on 4.08m (352nd mod) that in QMB if I select a "Target" IE, airbase, armour, bridge etc

    I get "wrong target selected" come up and am unable to fly ONLY when using one of the new maps?

    It will only fly on one of the new maps with "none" selected in the target box :-\

    Also I see little blue flashes (like a small electrical discharge) appear on the external view of any aircraft skin with the mod package installed.

  3. ~S~ Chaps,

    I would like to help Bojan come up with a training plan, that can be performed by large or small groups.....

    I would suggest that just flying straight and level in a Delta 5 or Diamond 4 at no more than 0.03 km separation will take a while to get right to start with.

    After that maybe attempting a

  4. ~S~ Bojan M8,

    I love your enthusiasm !! LOL

    Will be happy to fly in the soon to be famous "Bojan's Bananas" Aerobatic team !

    What do you think about using a P40M ? ;)

    First things first, you have to get a team together.... a bit like Ghost Busters !! LOL

    One thing though, we are not going to be able to do what the Flying Woodpeckers do overnight chaps. !!

    ~S~ Painless

  5. ~S~ Bojan M8,

    I am up for forming an aerobatic section , always have been :)

    I know OB1 is very keen on the idea and possibly Funflak.

    We would need to practice for around 4-6 hours a week working on one element at a time of a pre planned "routine" which all concerned must learn upsidedown and backwards !

    It is hard work and very REPETATIVE involving all formation members turning up for practice sessions regularly. First thing to do is choose an aircraft and write a routine. I have a program for this with all the appropriate symbols for the various manoeuvres.

    With this in mind I would like to take this opportunity to ask any DD or HH who feels they can commit to such a long term project :)

    It will improve anyone's aircraft control massively :)

    The end goal would be to be able to put on a "show" for the K9s LIVE !!!

  6. ~S~ Deacon sir,

    I found "RAF Westhampnett" particularly interesting as it is situated around 12 miles from me, between Chichester and Havant in Hampshire.

    It is now called Goodwood circuit and is owned by Lord March. It was converted to a race track after the war and was used for national races for many years.

    It has now been restored to its former 1950's glory and is used for a world famous historic car race once a year,(The Goodwood circuit revival).

  7. (Cheese Eating Surrender Monkey Tour) - a tribute the French armed forces avec Mssrs Painless et JP.

    ~S~ Fine fellows,

    Keeping in the "While in Rome, do as the Romans do" tradition...we thought what better way to fit in while in France but to surrender everywhere...

    Painless: "with all due respect to all the French who did fight against the Nazis"

    JP: "both of you"

    Longue sur Mer (four 152mm French-made naval guns...destroyed by the RN and by Brit commados)


    Pak 43 88mm anti-tank.

  8. Do they have one for the Bf109?

    Who cares !!! :huh:??? LMAO ;) Sorry BA M8 :)

    ~S~ Crash,

    I bought that a couple of months ago, figured I'd have an airworthy Spit by now..........................oh well. LOL

    ~S~ Planeless

  9. ~S~ JP,

    Great news M8, looking forward to an excellent week filled with WWII nostalgia :).... and beer of course.

    Klinger, thanks allot for that M8, I was going to look all that kind of info up and email it to Kelly, job done, your a star ;)

    ~S~ Painless

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