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1. DDz Quorum
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Posts posted by Painless

  1. Lost for words really, just seems to be another thing to shrug shoulders, sigh and walk away from....bunch of tw@ts


    If anyone deserves a permanent memorial, this hero does

    ~S~ Chaps,

    I'll tell you where they should put the bloody statue.....along side one of Sir Hugh Dowding in every capital city of formerly occupied Europe, including Berlin !!! After all the German people owe an awful lot to us all for getting rid of the hard line Nazi bastards who would have had them all die rather that admit defeat.

    ~S~ Painless

  2. ~S~ Shadow sir,

    A very happy belated birthday to you M8 !!

    Thank you once again for the use of your TS but could I make a small request......could we have a "wanker filter" fitted to the channel ?........no wait a minute, forget that M8, I might need to say something

  3. The photo's are not of the correct aircraft, (I believe it was an A6 not a Dora) but it has been restored to flying condition and lives in the US now.

    EDIT: The plane in the clip is actually an A5. All I can find right now is that it has been restored and is currently undergoing final fitout for flight, it is reported to be owned by Paul Allen but the Flying Heritage website has nothing on it. (although it does show the D-13). I'd swear I've seen photo's of the completed aircraft, but I can't find them. It may well have already flown buy now.

    ~S~ Chaps,

    I wonder if it has been restored with an original engine ?

  4. ~S~ Chaps,

    Excellent, Rog and Kelly, would be great to see you again. I know you think you are irresistible but I think I will be able to control myself for a couple of days !!! LMAO ;) Let me know if you need picking up asap Kelly.

    Brando sir, is there no way you could join us M8 ?

  5. ~S~ Sid,

    OK M8 a twin room is booked for Friday and Saturday ! :) As Colin said we won't have to pay until we leave. If you did have to cancel for any reason then with enough notice I'm sure another Dog could take your place. ;)

    Colin, I think they just had a few hours of their computers being down when I first rang , no problem.

    Cheers dudes,

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