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Posts posted by Painless

  1. ~S~ Dave,

    Very unusual footage M8. Bloody excellent.

    It is still the norm for our military boys to share a sometimes wicked and dark sense of humour to help cope with the situation they find themselves in. I just watched a DVD diary of one of my colleagues (Territorial SAS) who just got back from Afghanistan, same pissing about different uniforms :)

    ~S~ Painless

  2. ~S~ Sweper M8,

    ~S~ Skid,

    "The bloated, comic- opera commander of the Luftwaffe issued his order for what he called 'Eagle Day'. 'From Reichsmarschall Goering to all units. Within a short period you will wipe the British air force from the sky. Heil Hitler.' "

    Thankfully the likes of Park and Dowding begged to differ !! :boxer:

  3. ~S~ Skid,

    "The bloated, comic- opera commander of the Luftwaffe issued his order for what he called 'Eagle Day'. 'From Reichsmarschall Goering to all units. Within a short period you will wipe the British air force from the sky. Heil Hitler.' "

    Thankfully the likes of Park and Dowding begged to differ !! :boxer:

  4. ~S~ Chaps,

    In England we now have all kinds of beaver........ white beaver, black beaver,yellow beaver,brown beaver, big beaver, small beaver, fat beaver, thin beaver, young beaver, old beaver, hairy beaver, bald beaver, rich beaver, poor beaver, live beaver, dead beaver,fried beaver, boiled beaver, grilled beaver,frozen beaver...... but none of it talks.

  5. ~S~ Brando M8,

    You have had a bit of bad luck for sure and it's great to see the chaps rally round to help. Hopefully you will be sorted in quick time.

    Only thing I can add is..... DON'T BUY FRENCH CARS !! LOL............Vorsprung durch technik.............Deutschland uber alles

  6. ~S~ Fellow eccentrics,

    I started to say WTF, but then "Canadian" was thrown in there.

    I didn't realize South Park was so..........accurate.

    I'm thankful for being from a country with the fortitude to go to war, but wanna surrender when it lasts more than a week.

    Yup, I can see why you envy us so much.

    Happy Canuc thanksgiving btw. You guys got any turkeys?

    Don't you just love me using any excuse to bitch?

    I'm also thankful that you guys actually tolerate me and my mouth running handicap.

    Our Thanksgivings are similar in that the meals are the same...turkey, turkey, turkey, some gravy, potatoes and then back to turkey.

  7. ~S~Trib,

    Painless is a much better actor than Michael Caine.

    If you need proof, consider this.

    Think about how long Painless has been able to fool his employer into believing that he is a useful and valuable employee.

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