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Posts posted by Friar

  1. Perhaps I should go there and let them know about my work with the Priory and how we work to save fallen women and how we put them back out into the world to earn us, The Priory, (and them) a living and tell them about Brenda down at the Downed Pilot and about our aircraft mechanic called Bollocks and our semi-blind air traffic controller and how we use Mrs Thonlinson's rock cakes as ammo from the TB3 when we run out during the dogfights and about one of of squadron who takes pictures of hot chicks and posts them for us or about one of our members that takes in stray birds that need help, hay, thats like the work I do for the Priory, I have not looked at it like that before, and about one of the squad who makes strange noises like the strange character from "Whacky Races" or is it "Stop the Pigeon", but then again was that not a sub story within "Whacky Races", I remember that Dick never won, now theres a para-phrase I could talk about for a long time, and about our excellent technical support, and our brilliant mission builders and our tremendous historical and technical reasearchers and our amazingly skilled skinners and the generosity of our hosters and the fantastic time we have when we fly together and the amazimg feeling of commaradary we have, .....err....perhaps not...that might attract the wrong sort of person, we might get weirdo's who have some bizzare fondness........ for animals........ or........ livestock.....(nervous laugh) .cough cough. :-\

  2. never in a million years !!!

    the world knows that english is the original language of the brain. it is part of the dna that makes up stem cells. that is why when we brits go abroad, if the locals do not understand us we speak slowly and shout. if we shout loud enough, the sound waves resinate at the original frequency of the brain, and thus Jonny Foreigner understands us.

    (The origin of this idea is credited to Al Murray aka The Pub Landlord)

  3. Painless, you are to be congratulated as being one of lifes optimists. Some may have said a mug of hot chocolate half EMPTY!

    The Priory does not believe in handing out punishments, some of the Brothers are more likly to be on the receiving end

  4. to get the programs click on....

    My Computer, then double click on

    Local Disk (C:), then double click on

    Program Files, then double click on

    OpenOffice.org (mine says 2.0), then double click on


    within this folder are all the programs you need..

    database = sbase.exe

    excel clone = scalc.exe

    word clone = swriter.exe

    powerpoint = simpress.exe

    there are a few others as well

    sdraw.exe which i think is a bit like corel draw

    smath.exe lets you write and work out math formula

    soffice.exe is a front end program for starting all of the above

    quickstart.exe puts a launch icon in the system tool bar on the lower right of your screen (by the clock)

    I would create shortcuts rather than the quickstart as it will sit in memory.

    You will notice that the programs load a little slower than word etc because of he way it has been developed. they cant use the tricks that microsoft use to run their applications.

    I have found them to be very similar in look and feel to the microsoft originals, even as far as some of the tool icons are the same!

    There is a big on line community for this product, so it you get stuck, I'll try and help, or try googleing it.


  5. if you cant re-install microshaft word, then have a look at openoffice.org

    if you dont know what it is, its an "office like" package that offers software very much like word, excel, powerpoint plus a couple of others. its all free. it has been developed by the internet community. it will open and read .doc files it will also save to them as well. google openoffice.org and it should give you the link.

    if you do know what it is, my appoligies.

  6. it depends on which translation you are using. I prefer to use the one done by the eminent accademic Benjemim D'over in the late 17th Century. I feel that it stays faithful to the original text. It is true that other scholers would disagree with this opinion and say that the earlier work done by the Inuits was of more value. That they had more of an understanding of what the original author, whos name has now long since been lost in with the passage of time, was trying to convey when he, or dare I say She, wrote the text. That also raises another issue which I feel that would need many more pages to discuss, unless of course you belive the writings of Cornboil III in 96AD, but I dont have to tell you about them! 

  7. Ah, it is a sign I tell you, from the Great Book of the Priory, Chapter 5, Paragrapgh 3, Verse 2

    "...And on the day of enlightenment, from the sky, the Great Bear shall appear above The house of the Rightious, and thus, hence from that day forward wonderous things shall begat all those that habit there."

  8. hi enforcer,

    there are no new objects in the latest patch, its mainly fixes to dials and stuff.

    as to the new objects that were added in 4.07, i have just uploaded into the resources section of the website a zip file compiled by RXMAN I found in the ubizoo.

    It extracts to a .doc file with a picture and the number for each object. it is the complete list, not just the new ones.

    Hope you get it ok, any problems let me know.

  9. @Painless

    the way i did it was from a tip in the ubizoo. it enables me to use the french switcher but i go from 4.05 to 4.071

    I originally installed 1946 into its own, new folder and not on top of 4.05

    1. I downloaded the patch.

    2. created an empty folder on my desktop

    3. unziped the patch into that folder

    4. there will be one called files.sfs

  10. Gentlemen,

    I am holding a talk in the Village Hall soon about IL2. Some of the non-flying villagers are curious about what goes on at the Airfield. I would like to show a movie to illustrait my talk.

    Would you please offer up some suggestions as to a good IL2 built movie that demonstraits all that is great about the world we fly in.

    I already have "Get It On", which is 109 v spit with the mark Bolan sound track. Can you guys suggest something better please. I also already have "Requiem". Does that say it all? What do you think?

  11. Following a rather disturbing incident with Sister Agneta, 2 Choir boys and an unusualy shaped crucifix (well thats what she it was) lines "upstairs" are engaged at the moment.

    Anyway, as far as computers are concerned, I consider Bbloke and B16ENK more than just mere mortals.

  12. Guys,

    I am trying to recover from the error "hal.dll is either missing or corrupt". this prevents the laptop from booting. after doing some reasearch on the net i have been able to get into the recovery console. a common piece of advice was run chkdsk / r.

    i have tried this but it has been stuck on 1% fo hours now, something is obviously not working.

    should i / can i switch off or should i leave it.

    any advice / pointers please?

  13. Well Psycho,

    Is'nt that just typical. I arrange for one of the Sisters Of Virtue to be assigned to your case, and all of a sudden all I get is "Can I have one", "me, me, please Frior", "Oh pleeeeeeese Frior, get me one" like a lot of school kids in class, all with their hand in the air when the hot young art teacher, who is fresh out of teacher training college and wears tight tops and short skirts asks for volunteers to come into the store cupboard to help sort the materials out. They all know that some of the paper is down on the bottom shelf and some is on that high shelf which is just out of her normal reach. To go into the cupboard that they all know is not quite wide enough for two people to pass each other with out squeezeing up against each other.

    But ask for volenteers to attend the Parish Hall for a rock-cake tasting competition, (one which Mrs Thonlinson always enters) and all I get is "ghosttownvile", silence, except for the wind whistling through the cracks in the Mess Hall windows and the sound of a lone Crow calling from a single tree.

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