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Posts posted by Friar

  1. Welcome August,

    There are many people here who will be only too willing to answer any questions you may have, as lil-sparrow says, the only dumb question is one that you dont ask.

    If however, you find yourself down or in need of someone to chat to, about any problems you may have, I am here for you. You may find me in the "Downed Pilot" our local village pub chatting to the rather lovely Brenda (for more on these topics have a look round the fourm for my Priory Of St Oleg newsletters.) I am happy to chat about anything that is worring you, the more selatious the better, I am often in need of a good subject for my occasional sermons or to scream out when you are on my tail to stop you shooting me down and as always, cash will ensure confidentiality.

    Welcome again to the best dogdammed bunch of guys around.


  2. you want to go over to the mission builders forum in the zoo. there is a sticky thread dedicated to object plotting and scenery construction. some of it is genius. beebop is a big contributor. for example somebody put a ship up a hillside and then put bunkers etc on top to disguise the ship, and you have a "guns of naverone" type installation. there are quite a few pages but if you are looking for ideas and inspiration its well worth it.

    I check it most days for the latest additions.

    edit link here:

  3. Its quiz time folks!!

    Yes welcome to the wacky world of on line fun and frolics!

    Todays question for the chance to go into a draw for the option to purchase a ticket for the draw for a chance to particpate in the competition to win $1,000,000 is

    The lovely young lady in the picture is holding behind her back..

    A) A bunch of flowers

    B) Psycho's room key (as he is standing naked in the corridror)


    C) Something else.......

  4. Welcome Knight,

    Glad to have you with us, any friend of stefans is a.....good person to have should we need to get any dirt on him cause sometimes you know he can get just a bit too good for his own good, goes around shooting me down when i not looking...

    but anyway, in my role as squadron chaplin, i would like you to know that if you ever have any problems of a personal, emotional or sexual nature I am here for you. I am always on the look out for information that can used when a pilot gets on my six and cash will always ensure confidentiality.

    Look forward to flying with you again soon.

  5. I was just on the teamspeak site and saw this.....

    [Latest News...

    Do NOT Download or Execute FAKE TeamSpeak PATCH.EXE

    Written by Florence on April 15, 2007 18:53 CEST

    If you participate in our forums, you may have recently received an email asking you to download a PATCH.EXE file. Please do NOT download or execute this file.


    > Now you can download new Team Speak patch. It will help you to use our

    > Team Speak servers.

    > We advise you to download it now

    > http://www.goteamspeak.com/downloads/patch.exe


    Recently a security exploit on our website allowed an intruder to send a mass-email to all registered forums users, informing them of a supposed patch for TeamSpeak. ***THE EMAIL WAS FAKE AND MALICIOUS IN NATURE*** We have been working around the clock to address this issue and as of this moment it is now RESOLVED. Please keep in mind we take these matters very seriously and are always doing everything we possibly can to ensure that your visit to our website is safe and secure.

    Please visit this forum for more information on this topic.


  6. I am planning a trip into London tomorrow with my kids. We are going to the Tate Modern Art Museum. So I thought that I would check their website for visitor information. Now heres the bit I am confused about......

    On a page that contains their address, which is printed in nice clear type, there is a link to a RealPlayer video, which has someone giving the address in sign language!.

    Is this 'PC' gone mad......if the person can see the sign language video, can they not read the nicely typed address?, if they can not read, how did they navigate to the web site? or am I missing something.........?

    I am definatley going to start my charity, Blind Dogs for the Deaf. The dog will be trained to bark when it hears the phone ring. His master will not hear him, and the dog will not be able to see his master to tell him.

  7. The Priory Post

    K9 Village Newsletter – March 2007

    Well, as it has been quite a while since my last jottings, I thought that it was about time I put together an update on what has been happening in and around the village.

    It is pleasing to report that we have had a few new people move into the village of late, which all goes to help the community maintain its cosmopolitan style and congratulate them on their contribution so far.

    I would also like to give a mention to some of the villagers that have gone “travellingâ€

  8. nearest french port to the beaches is Cherbourg. normandy beaches approx 20 miles from habour

    Sailings from Portsmouth (Painless country if i am not mistaken), duration approx 4 hours.

    Shortest/quickest way across is via boulogne or calais, but they are quite a bit north and would mean a long drive drive down the cost.

  9. Are you using the clip on a hat, or that strange contraption you once showed in a photo?

    I have my camera slightly higher than the clips (which i have fixed to the top of my headset) looking down. this helped me get rid of a problem where trackir would "lock" becaue it had lost sight on one of the reflectors. have you tried going into view tracking to see just the 3 green reflectors then moving your head around to see if at any time 1 disappears. I had the top 1 going when looking up.

    Delta7 is tir guru, i am sure he could help.

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