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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

About DZ9

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Puppy (4/8)



  1. Hello chaps! thought i would drop a line to see how you are all doing? Reading the posts im glad to see the Dogz going strong! incidently a guy i worked with who had a russian pen pal in the 1970s gifted me a fantastic soviet made model of an I16 biplane still in the original box! its mint, can post pics if you want was gonna rip it open and felt a bit whistful for IL2! anyway- in the land of console gaming, getting married in a month or so and playing more footy than i ever did. once i get some cash i will look foward to getting whatever oleg has brought out. also seems IL2 got crazy as soon as i left with all this patch stuff......... anyway- all the best guys.
  2. Hello! I am a nosey fecker its true! Only just spotted this post though! How you all doing? I am great- getting married.
  3. Bloody scousers. we might be a bit slow but we get there in the end!
  4. Bloody scousers. we might be a bit slow but we get there in the end!
  5. Just watched both back to back pretty good- but i liked Flags better, mainly because of the brief but amazing Corsair shots very impressive, made me want to fire up il2 again! can recommend, although i find that a lot of historical films if you know a bit about the period, sometimes the dialogue can be a bit clunking as they spell out the context which most you would already know like for example the fact that the japanese navy and army didnt get on too well is referenced, but i would have thought that was too obvious to any japanese officer at the time to refer to. quick question- would the japanese refer to their own planes as Zekes? i though this was an allied call sign? hope you are all well. still struggling with the cash, but expect to be ready to rock again once BOB comes out!
  6. Its sad that you were happy to go down the legit route, but that their rubbish service forces you to use nefarious methods i dont even bother half the time now, especially the difficulty i had with my legit copy of windows once i flashed the bios.....
  7. LOL! Sorry i didnt want to ruin
  8. oh aye and i miss all your TS banter
  9. Greetings from console land! i must say that i found this very interesting, having made the transition from pc to xbox360 good points? instant connectivity, no crashes, performance is consistant i mean i can have a quick blast on rainbow six with my brother in belfast just like turning on the telly bad points: after il2 dominated my life the games feel terribly constrained, and as DT says you feel the developers hand on you then again i cannot stress just how cool call of duty 3 looks and it plays perfect online everytime sazzy graphics are softening the shock, and the games are excellent halo 3 and bioshock on the way, but i miss the expanse of IL2 the randomness and the freedom i will be back. Keep me a seat!
  10. i thought you played in some dutch death metal band! this is class and extra qudos for being a blues drummer, complex polyrythymic skill! please post some more, longer stuff mate
  11. Hello mate! good to see you are still around i am also having a hiatus, maybe we will fly together when BOB comes out! best dazza
  12. That sounds heavy mate. your such a cheerful guy too i would be a nightmare hope it eases off for you
  13. your a great bunch of guys, thanks for all the kind words. @ Rog: thanks mate your very kind. I think i maybe need a hiatus though, and i dont have the inclination to perserve. Thing is i like games in general and im sick with every new game screwing my pc. my brother and best pal both have 360s and it might be nice to play with them on live and not have to patch and reinstall and crash etc. @ all-its only intended to be a short hiatus though, i dont think il be this skint for long, my granny is looking a bit pale! also: theres a good chance i wont be able to sell the f u c k i n g thing and il be back tail between my legs next week like the drama queen i am!
  14. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... &rd=1&rd=1 i think i might regret this i have it on ebay at a reserve of £90 including track ir and a copy of the game. however if it doesnt sell i am happy to offer a special K9er's rate. i hope this post isnt inappropriate, im not trying to make money off pals but thought it might interest someone. if it is deemed inappropriate please delete or edit with prejudice, i dont mind at all. The reason for the sale is i am getting increasingly disillusioned with my pcs performance and i lack the money to keep upgrading or buying new stuff. IL2 just doesnt run nice for me with any level of objects, my CPU is clearly pants and i dont have time to tweak and get the best from it i think in the meantime im better to cut my losses and enter console world for a while. I will be staying around if thats ok though since i like the banter and once my cash flow problems are over and maybe BOB is out rest assured i will be back with a vengance. I have been playing il2 since 2003 and currently everytime i try to enjoy a nice coop or one of the campaigns i get ridiculous slowdown and it really ruins the immersion
  15. I thought about trying sh4 but thanks for your pithy assessment, i dont think il bother got hooked on civ 4 for a while there too.
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