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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Great, now you need to interpret that for the hoi poloi. e.x.: In camera - the meeting will be held inside a Canon Rebel camera, behind closed doors. Why can't lawyers write in English??
  2. Hey Mick - Hennessy decided that he'd build a supercar based on the Lotus Exige (modified) with his 1100 hp twin turbo V-10 in it... Click here.....
  3. Ok, I just thought about this right now. I've driven Gen. Lewis MacKenzie (UN Commander in Bosnia, 1991-1992) around as his personal staff car driver for a day. I've shaken the hand and spoken with Gen. Hammerbeck, commander of the Desert Rats, 1991 Gulf War. I've held the Stanley Cup, brought to my work by Glenn Anderson on the 1987 Oilers - the company had sponsered him for $1000 per playoffs goal scored. He got 14 goals. Sorry, I have no track.....
  4. I'd be in an accident every day.................several times..................
  5. 0.189 - 1st and only try so far...(I've always had very good reaction times......)
  6. 7:34 a.m., .......'bunch of tubes' ok.
  7. Rattler

    Mod or Not?

    What's the framerate hit?
  8. I see that you did the Mk. XIV version, Dave? Pointy broad chord rudder and clipped wings? Mine has the original rudder still, and regular wing. It must have been a UK defense unit re-stationed to the continent after hostilities were concluded (mine.) I have all the parts and decals for your kit included, but chose the earlier version.
  9. An interesting kit. It's actually a 1945 plane stationed in Austria just after war's end. [attachthumb=1] [attachthumb=2] I like the level of detail on this interior - quite nice for a 1/48 scale plane. [attachthumb=3] A few details to go on yet, then painting this week.
  10. Just north of you mate, here in central Alberta. We'll be coming though your state next year on our way back from Disneyland.
  11. Can you 2 come up here to teach me how to use my setup properly? I just got it last year.....
  12. Spike TV has all 6 Star Wars episodes coming up in a marathon, starting with Episode I Friday night.
  13. For those of you with a Spit fetish (me me me!!!), here's a 'hack' I did, or is it a mod....? [attachthumb=1]
  14. Ummmm......it's not 'talk like a pirate day, bud.....
  15. Salute,Tom! See you in the skies! As a new guy, don't hesitate to ask guys to wing up with you if you want a bit of protection/guidance. We will happily watch your 6 while you learn the ropes.
  16. Can't you just feel the love? Man, I wanted to kill you so bad last Sunday, Glenn!! Just 10-15 more seconds, and a bit more speed.....next time... You killed my wingman! You're a marked man, I tells ya......
  17. No, I don't think so Glenn. No one is accusing anyone. Until a track shows up, lets just wait and see.
  18. I remember that you reported that in the dogfight where you were shot down, Colin. What does the track report? I didn't take one. I know that I've seen things like that in SEOW before, but I've always chalked it up to my poor situational awareness at the time down in the weeds. Man, it's hard to track planes on the Italy map, over that green vegetation....
  19. Isn't it just revolutionary? Another stone cold killer in the works, guys!
  20. Wish I could help you mate. You can burn files to CD rom, assuming that you would want to keep skins, any missions you've made, and any special tracks you've recorded. You might also want to copy any *.ini files you have, perhaps the entire 'users' folder.
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