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6. RIP
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Everything posted by Blairgowrie

  1. I hope there is a Torrent for the final patch. Always a good idea to check properties of download after you get it.
  2. Anybody try the new beta patch for COD released today?
  3. Beta has registered and is now officially a Danger Dogz. I have sent him hours of flying plus TS information. Welcome aboard mate.
  4. By all reports, yes. That same photo has been credited to have come from several states as well. The Particular species in question would be considered a monster at 6' Now I understand! The guys down at the Legion will be so disappointed
  5. One of my buddies who is a logger stayed over at a little used house last year while they were logging up in rattlesnake country. They found a very large rattlesnake in the basement and had it removed by the Lands and Forest staff.
  6. Au contraire Mr Toad! There are lots of rattlesnakes in Ontario. http://www.ojibway.ca/rattler.htm
  7. Bad Aim. Are you saying the photograph is a fake? I thought it was a big mother.
  8. Thanks Ovy. I'll keep a look out for his registration.
  9. I think I will leave it overclocked. May help il2 response when I am hosting.
  10. Cranked my CPU up to 3.7 from 3.2 but don't see any difference in frame rates
  11. Just let me know what nic name your friend intends to register under Ovy
  12. Reinstalled. Water is now 50, land 40. I'll never doubt you guys again.
  13. http://davidasteen.blogspot.com/2009_07_01_archive.html
  14. Found in Wiarton, Ontario about 60 miles from here. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_a-4Q6ZCwqkY/TTRJpeqt9BI/AAAAAAAAAvY/spp9D2mfnag/s1600/coleman+rattler.jpg
  15. Welcome Bongodriver. You are now officially a Danger Dogz. Suggest you take a look at this thread. http://dangerdogz.com/forums/topic/4963-a-welcome-to-the-dangerdogz/
  16. Blairgowrie


    I have been unable to get Fraps working in Clod. I have been using a registered copy with 64 bit Windows 7. I uninstalled the registered version and downloaded the unregistered version from the Internet. Now it is working fine and I get 40 frames over the sea with my ATI 5970. BTW is was thinking of picking up another 5970 for Crossfire when it comes out but even on Ebay this card is going for $600 used. Just a tad rich! The 6970 replacement retails for $300. I wonder why this should be. (Answer seems to be here: http://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110215230119AAzrRQX) I wish there were more ATI fanboys around here other than Bucky and me.
  17. Most of us think they through it out of the door too early because someone needed the cash to continue work on it. There is a strong new learning curve with it so I am happy it is taking time. Il2 1946 is mostly what we will fly for quite some time.
  18. Finally! What a bloody maze. Thanks Nick and Jedi.
  19. Thanks Jedi but there is no way I can get this dog to hunt. I don't see the invites option nor have I received any messages.
  20. I think Snack has found the Add Friends option but like me, can't get it to do anything. I am wondering if it will only work if I have some games using steam. Also I didn't get any invites to join a group. It also shows I have no friends.
  21. Thanks Nick. Much appreciated.
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