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Everything posted by Blairgowrie

  1. How about this afternoon?
  2. Posted on Ubi Zoo today. Does this turn your crank? http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/5218/spit1vu6.jpg http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/6698 ... bleor9.jpg
  3. I think all danger Dogz should have that on their polo shirts.
  4. Here is another tip for you Angus and all ATI users (available for Nvidia too but not sure how to do it). Go into Cat Control Centre, Open Digital Panel, Open Avivo Colour and move the slider on Saturation from 100 up. The slider goes up to 200 and you should select a setting where you feel comfortable. I have mine all the way up to 200 but Pooka felt the colours were too vibrant for him at the full 200 setting and has it lower. In any event, by increasing it above 100 you will notice a big difference in brightness and colour vibrancy.
  5. I have tried it Angus and didn't see any change either. It doesn't make any difference according to all the posts I have read on UBI Zoo.
  6. Not a bad case Greenstreaks. It does have a couple of big 120mm fans which is good. I personally like Full size towers. They just give you so much room and usually better airflow. I have an Asus P5E Intel board which has 2 USB's in the front and 10 in the back. Look for a board which has lots of USB ports.
  7. Are you using Cat, Control Centre Angus? It is in All Settings but you have to scroll down to see it. It is called vertical refresh.
  8. Yep get a copy of XP NOW before it disappears off the shelves. You should be able to get an OEM copy for less than $100.
  9. Only fallback protection Crash in case the mods don't work properly. If you get the mods working ok then by all means delete 4.08m
  10. SlI means you can run two Nvidia cards on your comp. Crossfire means two ATI cards. Of the two boards here I would go with the cheaper board. The other thing you have to watch out for is the type of RAM the board uses. The standards are now DDR2 or DDR3. DDR2 is cheaper but DDR3 is faster. If you can supply links for the two boards we can tell you more. Not sure about PCI Express and PCI E 2.
  11. Belated congratulations to you both. I like the name you have given her. Was it family or perhaps your first lover? Silly me! His first name was Francois right?
  12. Bad Aim sir. I wonder if that was the cause of the problem Akula, Mobius and DT might have run into. Trying to place the switcher on their desktop. I can't think of any other reason.
  13. If you can find a package without a CPU, I have a spare AMD 6000 3gb chip I can let you have for future favours. All you have to promise is to never shoot me down.
  14. From what I have seen, if you want to run BOB you will need at least a 3gb CPU so what Stingray says is essentially correct. The only reason I say essentailly is that I wanted to prove to you all I can spell it; some of the time. The other requirements are a 512mb graphics card and 2 gb of RAM.
  15. Classic GK!
  16. Nothing to do with the size of your feet I bet
  17. That's Tonar on the left.
  18. Careful Stingray m8. OB1 will be your instructor on Joint Ops and he always gives fellow Danger Dogz a hard time. Lucky you didn't get Painless.
  19. I always believed CH pedals were much better quality. I know Beebop just destroyed his Saitek pedals by being too hard on them. But I don't know for sure.
  20. I think you read it here in a post by Deacon. But if 4.08m doesn't have net 2 framework installed I wonder why the switcher needs it. But as Snacko says, no harm in installing it. We now have three people DT, Akula and Mobius all with the same problem. The first to solve it gets a cask of my finest single malt.
  21. Let me check this thread again in the morning. Umbrellas to aircraft for a SANE person is quite a quantum leap: even for a Dogz.
  22. I am proud of you Tonar m8. Don't forget to put your gear down. Many happy landings.
  23. Looks like you gents had a good time. Very good selection of pics.
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