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NEW DISCORD SERVER DETAILS - SIGN UP NOW - Dogz Members Only Private Thread ×


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About Snax

  • Birthday 08/10/1990

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  • Location
    Brussels, Belgium
  • Interests
    Flight Simulation, Combat Flight Simulation, Space Flight Simulation, Space Simulation, Webmaster
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Newbie (1/8)



  1. Thank you very Much FT ! We will do some tests this week-end and if everything goes as planned, a new public server will be opened Edit: I can't download the files. It says it's unavailble. I maybe don't have the rights to download them yet.
  2. Just created an account to check on the server (2 days offline) to see that it's down indefenitely. It was fun while it lasted ! Thanks for the server guys and thanks for the fun ! PS: If it's ok to ask, could the admin of the DangerDogz CLOD server send me the mission files used on both Channel and Tobruk maps ? My Squadron Leader has a server running DCS/Arma3 and is ok to spare some power to launch a CLOD server. If not, then can someone explain to me (in DM) how to create a misison and host a server and (I did a very simple misison in the Full Mission Builder years ago but forgot everything). I've been playing CLOD since 2012 and I never really created a mission, only played online. Thanks in advance and again thanks for the server !
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