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About Siggels

  • Birthday 04/27/1955

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    Shane Sigley

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    Reading, writing and aviation.
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  1. I use an Akers Barnes cockpit. It suits me very well, as I have some serious back and shoulder issues and it gives me the ergonomic platform that affords support and comfort. (The above is not mine.) http://www.62ndfightingfalcons.com/Resources/AkersBarnesCockpit/CockpitOverview/tabid/73/Default.aspx My eldest son and I used to fly with these blokes in Brisbane where once a month there's a LAN meeting. The plans are downloadable from the website. I built it using a square and a jigsaw. No probs. Later I added my own modifications which I shall feature on my website when I get around to it, taking some snaps of the cockpit in various stages of assembly. The mods are really good as it enables me to use this cockpit for all of my computing needs. Without it, I could only do a half-hour a day at a computer.
  2. I'm the new boy in town, I know nothing! Nothing!
  3. Just posted something on MissionForToday that might be of interest: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=ForumsPro&file=viewtopic&t=14381&finish=15&start=60
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