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3. Danger Dogz
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    United States

surlybirch last won the day on July 23 2015

surlybirch had the most liked content!

About surlybirch

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  1. Two days in the books up here in Wisconsin. Tomorrow the F35 shows up and also there is a night airshow so I'll get back very late to the room~!
  2. surlybirch

    OSHKOSH 2015

    I've set up camp for the week at OSH 2015. Will post pics here~!
  3. Hey Dogz, Here's a video I made up some time ago soon after my Grandfather passed on. He was a flight mechanic in the USAAC in 44-45 in England. Hope you enjoy. And I hope my link works.... SURLY
  4. Hail to the the Dogz, My name is Surly (Jade) and I'm Tolwyn's long-time wing man. I wanted to stop in and say hello. I finally got my act together and got a new machine IL2-ready after my old one blew up nearly 2 years ago. Looking forward to flying with you all. Thanks~! Jade 'Surly' Birch
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