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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/2020 in Posts

  1. Hi and welcome, as the guys have said we fly predominantly Tuesday and Sunday 1900 to 2000 GMT start for BoX but there are others in USA hosting in their time zone. Most of us have all the addons and mostly fly bodenplatte missions. You should have dual engine controls mapped to allow you to fly some missions. For X-45 I have mode 1 for engine management mode 2 flying mode 3 bombing I have made a spreadsheet here you can copy if you wish, some keystrokes are diferent from game default so you will have to ensure x-45 and game match If you want some info to study then I collected all my notes here you can pick through at your leasure If you want help on specific items then best time to meet online would be before tuesday and sunday sessions as that is when majority are available but some of the USA guys may be avaiilable at other times, just post on forum and see if someone can help.
    2 points
  2. Ok Mick I have edited the debrief to more accurately reflect your arboreal adventures.
    1 point
  3. We welcome 2nd Lt. Dennis Winger to the ranks of the 402nd. Scoreboard and Squadron Rosters as of the morning of the 28th:
    1 point
  4. Another successful mission gents. 402nd and 485th had instructions to search for and engage any enemy aircraft in their respective sectors - 402nd in the vicinity of Düren, 485th above the front lines near Meijel. Anticipating a lukewarm reception from our Luftwaffe adversary again, both squadrons elected to carry bombs should some ground targets make themselves apparent towards the end of the patrols, and again this decision paid off. 402nd found a number of airfields in their area of operations and set to with a will destroying AAA, trucks and parked aircraft across 3 separate airfields. The result? A grand total of 31 enemy ground targets destroyed, including 13 e/a on the ground with 2nd Lt Fenton Rea claiming a remarkable 6 Fw 190s alone. If they won't come up to fight, eh gents...?! This is a record haul of ground targets destroyed for the Group in single mission so damn fine work 402nd, keep it up! After a quiet air patrol the 485th again found targets to attack around the front lines ahead of the push by our ground forces in the Wassenberg area. Setting to with their usual fervor, the 485th accounted for 23 AAA and artillery pieces and once again earned the appreciation of our soldiers. Another excellent performance 485th and just what we've come to expect from you hard charging bastards. We were not without loss however; 2nd Lt. Dennis McFly of the 402nd hit the ground whilst attacking the airfield at Strassfeld. 2nd Lt. Sidney Gittens of the 485th had a close call with the flak and took damage and Maj. Payne-Less endulged his horticultural persuasions by collecting a tree during one of his strafing runs; but we are glad to say that they each made it back to force land at friendly airfields near the front. The Met boys say that the weather looks good for tomorrow, the 28th October, so keep the partying low-key 'cos you'll need clear heads for the morning.... [to be flown on Sunday October 4th 2020] The Squadron logs:
    1 point
  5. Ok White flock, it's your new Shepard here... i hope to be able to live up to the excellent leadership that has gone before me. i would like to bring a new style to our flight and provide an incentive to hit our objectives. Pilots achieving their targets can, if they wish, pick a number from the holy book of wisdom. Pilots who have not performed so well will be asked to pick 3 numbers from the holy book, this way the wisdom will bring a strength, fortitude and courage for the next flight (and the threat of the rest of the flight expressing their gratitude for the enlightenment.) Above all I ask you all to fly well, aim straight and any "accidental" weapons testing in my general direction while in formation will be seen in a very bad light. " affectus enim est ovium "
    1 point
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